’Vi har väldigt lite tid för varandra här’. Temporala och spatiala förutsättningar för samverkan mellan grundskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem

Lago, L. & Elvstrand, H.


The study investigates the perspectives and experiences educators have regarding the collaboration between primary school, pre-school class and after-school programmes, as well as how time and place are used to understand the collaborative conditions. The research questions are: 1) What type of collaborative conditions are in place? 2) In what ways do time and place become significant in the teachers’ statements about the conditions for collaboration.


Challenges related to time and place of collaboration was a recurring theme in the interviews and conversations with the educators. In order to collaborate well across the organisations, teachers believe that time is a decisive factor. Geographical proximity and opportunities for everyday meetings are mentioned as decisive factors for whether the teachers find time to collaborate or not.


The project has been carried out in collaboration with three schools in a Swedish municipality. A project group was established at each school that included six teachers, two from each organisation (school, pre-school class and after-school programme). The educators conducted reflection meetings together with the researchers to improve collaboration between the organisations. The data material consists of data from these reflection meetings as well as individual interviews with some of the educators. The material was analysed based on grounded theory.


Lago, L. & Elvstrand, H. (2020). «’Vi har väldigt lite tid för varandra här’. Temporala och spatiala förutsättningar för samverkan mellan grundskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem». Utbildning & Lärande, 14(1):121-138.