Effekter af indsatser for socialt udsatte børn i daginstitutioner, HPA-Projektet.

Jensen, B.; Holm, A.; Allerup, P.; Kragh, A.
København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag.


The objective of this study is to investigate what types of
intervention have positive effects on children’s social development and learning seen in a skills perspective. Researchers will primarily elucidate whether interventions regarding Action Competencies in Social Pedagogical Work with Socially Endangered Children and Youth (ASP) work at daycare centres.


The design is a prospective RCT study (randomised controlled trial) at daycare-centre level, which also includes ethnographic and action research features in the form of qualitative data collection on and by daycare centres. Questionnaires to screen children’s social and learning skills are answered in the beginning, in the middle and in the final part of the study by parents and social pedagogues to identify the effects of ASP interventions. However, only the answers by the social pedagogues are included in the analysis. Furthermore, the social pedagogues answer a questionnaire on their own skills, as well as the children’s, as part of the ASP interventions. In order to establish the daycare centres’ type, point of departure, implementation processes and implementation experiences, individual interviews are conducted with the daycare-centre managers at the beginning of the interventions, and focus group interviews at the end of the interventions. Moreover, municipal consultants prepare logs on the implementation.


The design is a prospective RCT study (randomised controlled trial) at daycare-centre level, which also includes ethnographic and action research features in the form of qualitative data collection on and by daycare centres. Questionnaires to screen children’s social and learning skills are answered in the beginning, in the middle and in the final part of the study by parents and social pedagogues to identify the effects of ASP interventions. However, only the answers by the social pedagogues are included in the analysis. Furthermore, the social pedagogues answer a questionnaire on their own skills, as well as the children’s, as part of the ASP interventions. In order to establish the daycare centres’ type, point of departure, implementation processes and implementation experiences, individual interviews are conducted with the daycare-centre managers at the beginning of the interventions, and focus group interviews at the end of the interventions. Moreover, municipal consultants prepare logs on the implementation.


Jensen, B.; Holm, A.; Allerup, P.; Kragh, A. (2009). Effekter af indsatser for socialt udsatte børn i daginstitutioner, HPA-Projektet. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag.

Jensen, B. (2009). A Nordic Approach to Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Socially Endangered Children. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 17(1), S. 7-21.

Financed by

Strategisk Program for Velfærdsforskning (strategic welfare research programme), part of the Ministry of the Interior and Social Affairs.