Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram. Statusrapport 2. Baseline.

Jensen, B., Holm, A., Wang, C., Kousholt, D., Ravn, I., Søgaard Larsen, M., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Berliner, P., Yung Andersen, T. & Brandi
VIDA-forskningsserien 2011:3


The purpose of this report, which is part of the research project ‘Knowledge-based Efforts for Socially Disadvantaged Children in Day-care’ (VIDA), is overall to examine effects of early intervention at daycare facilities which aim to promote vulnerable children’s well-being, learning and development through an inclusive pedagogy. When the reports were published, the intervention had not yet been carried out, and the results of the studies reported here concern characteristics of the participating daycare facilities. Focus is on examining whether VIDA can enhance the quality of daycare facilities so that participation in daycare facilities promotes the well-being and learning of vulnerable children.


Overall the study shows that the daycare centres taking part in the intervention are identical with regard to the characteristics of the participants examined (pedagogical factors, management, organisational learning and knowledge as well as motivation for taking part in VIDA). The results show that 60% of the people asked believed that their daycare centre works on the basis of specific pedagogical theories. An open and involving management style is the most typical management style at the daycare centres taking part. The sub-study of the project on ways to involve parents shows that the majority of daycare centres hold joint events for all parents two to five times a year. Moreover, the majority of parent events are social activities without actually formulated learning goals.


A questionnaire was sent to 235 managers and pedagogical employees at daycare centres to examine the characteristics of participants regarding pedagogical factors, management, organisational learning and knowledge as well as motivation for taking part in VIDA. The children’s competences were also measured through questionnaires prior to the intervention, in which managers and employees at daycare centres attend workshops, and receive training and tools to use in practice.


Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram. Statusrapport 2. Baseline. VIDA-forskningsserien 2011:3. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet. Jensen, B., Holm, A., Wang, C., Kousholt, D., Ravn, I., Søgaard Larsen, M., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Berliner, P., Yung Andersen, T. & Brandi, U. (2011).

”Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram. Statusrapport 1. Design og metode. VIDA-forskningsserien 2011:1”. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet.

Jensen, B. Brandi, U. Kousholt, D. Berliner, P. Yung Andersen, T. Hellmund, G & Holm, A. (2011) "Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud - modelprogram. Statusrapport 1. Design og metode. VIDA-forskningsserien 2011:1" København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet.

Berliner, P. & Kousholt, D. (2012). Forældreinddragelse i VIDA. I: Jensen, B., Brandi, U., Kousholt, D., Berliner, P., Holm, A., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Stougaard, K., Kristoffersen, K., Nielsen, M., Rasmussen, M.K., Ravn, I., Friis-Hansen, M (red.). Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud. Modelprogram - midtvejsanalyser. I: VIDA Statusrapport 3. VIDA-forskningsserien 2012:01 (s. 85-113).  IUP, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN: 978-87-7281-722-4.

Brandi, U. & Jensen, B. (2012). Lederes beskrivelser af forandringsprocesser i det samlede dagtilbud - i et perspektiv om organisatorisk læring. I: Jensen, B., Brandi, U., Kousholt, D., Berliner, P., Holm, A., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Stougaard, K., Kristoffersen, K., Nielsen, M. Rasmussen, M.K., Ravn, I., Friis-Hansen, M. (red.). Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud. Modelprogram - midtvejsanalyser. I: VIDA Statusrapport 3. I: VIDA-forskningsserien 2012:01 (s. 45-85). IUP, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN: 978-87-7281-722-4.

Berliner, P. & Kousholt, D. (2012). Forældreinvolvering i VIDA-projektet - follow up-undersøgelser. I: Jensen, B., Brandi, U., Kousholt, D., Berliner, P., Holm, A., Yung Andersen, T. (red): Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram. Statusrapport 4. Udviklingstendenser (s. 41-51). I: VIDA-forskningsserien 2012:2. IUP, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN: 978-87-7281-848-1.

Jensen, B., Holm, A., Wang, C., Kousholt, D., Ravn, I., Søgaard Larsen, M., Steiner, Rasmussen, O., Berliner, P., Yung Andersen, T., Brandi, U. (2012). Knowledge-based efforts for socially disadvantaged
children in daycare – an inclusive ECEC program. VIDA Status Report 1. Design and Methods, VIDA-Research Series 2012:01, DPU, Aarhus University. Dafolo. ISBN 978-87-7281-687-6.

Jensen, B. (2012). Research into disadvantage: setting priorities, a case study of Denmark. International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes (IALEI):Educational Disadvantage, 12-14.

Jensen, B. (2009). A Nordic approach to Early Childhood Education (ECE) and socially endagered children. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 17(1), 7-21.


Jensen, B. (2012). Introduktion. I: Jensen, B., Brandi, U., Kousholt, D., Berliner, P., Holm, A., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Stougaard, K., Kristoffersen, K., Nielsen, M. Rasmussen, M.K., Ravn, I., Friis-Hansen, M. (red.). Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud. Modelprogram - midtvejsanalyser. I: VIDA Statusrapport 3. VIDA-forskningsserien 2012:01 (s. 15-25). IUP, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN: 978-87-7281-722-4.


Jensen, B. (2012). VIDA Midtvejsanalyser – en konklusion. I: Jensen, B., Brandi, U., Kousholt, D., Berli-ner, P., Holm, A., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Stougaard, K., Kristoffersen, K., Nielsen, M. Rasmussen, M.K., Ravn, I., Friis-Hansen, M. (red.). Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud. Modelprogram - midtvejsanalyser. I: VIDA Statusrapport 3. VIDA-forskningsserien 2012:01 (s. 123-133). IUP, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN: 978-87-7281-722-4.


Jensen, B., Brandi, U., Kousholt, D., Berliner, P., Holm, A., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Stougaard, K., Kristoffersen, K., Nielsen, M., Rasmussen, M.K., Ravn, I., Friis-Hansen, M. (2012). Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram. Statusrapport 3. Modelprogram - Midtvejsanalyser. I: VIDA-forskningsserien 2012:01, IUP, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN: 978-87-7281-722-4.


Jensen, B., Holm, A. & Bremberg, S. (2012): The Effect of an Inclusive ECEC-intervention Program on Child Strengths and Difficulties. Working Paper No 0009. CSER, Aarhus Universitet.


Jensen, B., Holm, A., Wang, C., Kousholt, D., Ravn, I., Søgaard Larsen, M., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Berliner, P., Yung Andersen, T., Brandi, U. (2012). Knowledge-based efforts for socially disadvantaged
children in daycare – an inclusive ECEC program. VIDA Status Report 1. Design and Methods. VIDA-Research Series 2012:01, DPU, Aarhus Universitet. ISBN 978-87-7281-687-6.

Jensen, B. (2012): How can we adress Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) more effectively? : international experiences and the VIDA project. Europe De l'Efance Conference, København.

Financed by

The Ministry of Children and Education