Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 1413 items. Filters: Child Title Longitudinal pathways of engagement, social interaction skills, hyperactivity and conduct problems in preschool children. Purpose The study investigates how positive functions (protective factors), such as engagement and social interaction skills, and risk aspects, such as hyperactivity and behavioural… Year 2021 Author Gustafsson, B. M., Gustafsson, P. A., Granlund, M., Proczkowska, M., Almqvist, L. Subjects Child Competence Health Inequality Kindergarten Longitudinal study Nursery Quantitative study Social Competence Sweden Wellbeing Title Yrkesgruppers anspråk på arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd: En studie av jurisdiktion, arbetsfördelning och professionellt arbete i förskolan. Purpose The study investigates how the division of labour between kindergarten teachers and special needs teachers is described with regard to children who need special support. More… Year 2021 Author Gäreskog, P. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Estimating measurement error in child language assessments administered by daycare educators in large scale intervention studies. Purpose The study investigates how much margin of error kindergarten teachers get when they administer a test of language and pre-reading skills in children aged three to five years… Year 2021 Author Haghish, E. F., Vach, W., Højen, A., Bleses, D. Subjects Assessment Child carer/educaters Denmark Kindergarten Language Nursery Quantitative study RCT study Reading Screening instrument Title Robot-enhanced language learning for children in Norwegian day-care centers. Purpose The study investigates how a robotic version of the language programme called Language Shower works compared to the regular version of the programme. The researchers behind the… Year 2021 Author Halbach, T., Schulz, T., Leister, W., Solheim, I. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Didactics Digital tools Kindergarten Language Learning process Mixed-method Norway Nursery Observational Studies Title The art of kindergarten drop off’: how young Norwegian-Somali parents perform ethnicity to avoid reports to Child Welfare Services. Purpose The study investigates how young parents with an immigrant background from Somalia portray a Norwegian middle-class identity when they interact with school and kindergarten… Year 2021 Author Handulle, A., Vassenden, A. Subjects Attitude study Child Cooperation with parents Ethnicity Ethnographic study Identity Inclusion Norway Observational Studies Parent/guardian Qualitative study Social exposure Title Quality of the language-learning environment and vocabulary development in early childhood. Purpose The aim of the study is to increase knowledge about the relationship between the quality of the language learning environment in toddler departments and children's vocabulary… Year 2021 Author Hansen, J. E., Broekhuizen, M. L. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Communication Didactics Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Observational Studies Quantitative study Title TRAS: Validity and sensitivity of a language assessment tool for children with ASD. Purpose The study investigates the potential usefulness of the Norwegian assessment tool TRAS - Early Detection of Language Development - for assessing the language skills of… Year 2021 Author Hansén‐Larson, J., Bejnö, H., Jägerskogh, E., Eikeseth, S., Klintwall, L. Subjects Assessment Autism Child Kindergarten Language Nursery Observational Studies Quantitative study Screening instrument Sweden Title “I sámifize it...”: Preschool in the Centre of South Sámi Language and Culture Learning in Norway. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten teachers describe the learning environment for the Southern Sámi language in their kindergarten. The Southern Sámi people are often… Year 2021 Author Harju-Luukkainen, H., Berg, K., Kolberg, A. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Ethnicity Identity Language Norway Qualitative study Title ”Nu är man betydligt mer försiktig”: Förskollärare om den fysiska kontakten mellan pedagoger och barn. Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate how experienced kindergarten teachers describe the historical changes that have taken place during their professional lives with regard… Year 2021 Author Hedlin, M. Subjects Attachment Attitude study Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Interpersonal relation Manager Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Title Feeling valued and adding value: A participatory action research project on co-creating practices of social inclusion in kindergartens and communities. Purpose The study investigates how Participatory Action Research (PAR) can be a tool for transformative practices in a local community, where kindergartens are singled out as meeting… Year 2021 Author Heimburg, D. V., Langås, S. V., Ytterhus, B. Subjects Action-based research Administration Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cooperation with parents Implementation Inclusion Institutionalisation Manager Norway Parent/guardian Policy Qualitative study Well-being Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 142 Next 10 items