Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 86 items. Filters: OECD-country Title Aesthetic Learning Processes in Early Childhood and Early Years Education. Reflections on Educating for Sustainable Development and use of Visual Tools and Materials Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate how aesthetic learning processes in kindergartens can be combined with learning about sustainable development. The researcher uses… Year 2020 Author Häikiö, T. K. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Creativity Didactics Drawing Ethnographic study Kindergarten Learning process Longitudinal study Manager Nursery OECD-country Observational Studies Participation Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Pre-school class Qualitative study Skilled worker Sweden Title Barns deltagande i förskole- och daghemskontext under inledningen av coronavirusets utbrott i Finland och Sverige Purpose The study investigates kindergarten children’s reactions to the coronavirus outbreak in Sweden and Finland. The purpose is to highlight different forms of participation in the… Year 2020 Author Heikkilä, M., Furu, A.-C., Hellman, A., Lillvist, A. & Rantala, A. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Competence Concept of formative development/education Cross-sectional study Didactics Kindergarten Learning process Nursery OECD-country Participation Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Qualitative study Skilled worker Sweden Title Preschool pathways to reading comprehension: A systematic meta-analytic review Purpose The study summarises and compares previous studies that investigate the relationship between children’s reading-related skills in kindergarten and their reading comprehension… Year 2020 Author Hjetland, H. N., Brinchmann, E. I., Scherer, R., Hulme, C. & Melby-Lervåg, M. Subjects Child Cognitive competence Competence Kindergarten Language Norway Nursery OECD-country Reading Systematic review/mapping Title The literacy environment of preschool classrooms in three Nordic countries: challenges in a multilingual and digital society Purpose The study investigates the physical literacy environment in kindergartens in Norway, Sweden and Finland. The purpose is to investigate how the physical environment in… Year 2020 Author Hofslundsengen, H., Magnusson, M., Svensson, A.-K., Jusslin, S., Mellgren, E., Hagtvet, B. E. & Heilä-Ylikallio, R. Subjects Books Denmark Digital tools Digitalisation Inclusion Kindergarten Library Norway Nursery OECD-country Observational Studies Physical Environment Pre-school class Quantitative study Sweden Title Litteraturens og høytlesingens plass og hensikt i nasjonale policydokumenter for barnehagen og barnehagelærerutdanningen i Danmark, Finland, Norge og Sverige Purpose The study investigates the guidelines set by kindergarten policy documents for the work on children’s literature and reading in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. National… Year 2020 Author Hogsnes, H. D., Svensson, A.-K., Larsen, M. E. & Damber, U. Subjects Administration Curriculum Denmark Document study Evaluation Implementation Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Nursery OECD-country Policy Sweden Title The integration of the internet of toys in early childhood education: a platform for multi-layered interactions Purpose The study investigates kindergarten teachers’ and children’s use of the Internet of Toys and the pedagogical effects that occur when this is integrated into kindergarten… Year 2020 Author Kewalramani, S., Palaiologou, I., Arnott, L. & Dardanou, M. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Creativity Didactics Digital tools Interaction Kindergarten Norway Nursery OECD-country Observational Studies Play Qualitative study Title Barriers for Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Institutions: Perception of Risk in Children’s Play among European Parents and ECEC Practitioners Purpose The study investigates the factors reported by kindergarten employees and parents that prevent outdoor free play in kindergarten. The study focuses particularly on what… Year 2020 Author Sandseter, E. B. H., Cordovil, R., Hagen, T. L. & Lopes, F. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery OECD-country Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Physical Environment Physical activity Play Quantitative study Skilled worker Title Early childhood education and care policy change: comparing goals, governance and ideas in Nordic contexts Purpose The study investigates the changes in kindergarten policy in Finland and Sweden, focusing on the development of objectives, governance mechanisms and political ideas that have… Year 2022 Author Alexiadou, N., Hjelmér, C., Laiho, A., Pihlaja, P. Subjects Administration Concept of formative development/education Curriculum Document study History Implementation OECD-country Organisation Policy Qualitative study Special pedagogical approaches Sweden Values Title Men in early childhood education and care: on navigating a gendered terrain Purpose The study investigates the underrepresentation of men in the kindergarten sector and focuses on how men navigate a gender-segregated profession. The study explores how men meet… Year 2022 Author Bhana, D., Moosa, S., Xu, Y., & Emilsen, K. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Narrative analysis OECD-country Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Professionalisation Qualitative study Title Read-aloud and writing practices in Nordic preschools Purpose The aim of the study is to increase knowledge about the early literacy practices of Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish kindergarten teachers. The research questions are: 1) To what… Year 2023 Author Alatalo, T., Norling, M., Magnusson, M., Tjäru, S., Hjetland, H. N., & Hofslundsengen, H. Subjects Books Child carer/educaters Cohort study Didactics Indoor activity Mixed-method Norway OECD-country Reading Reading aloud Sweden Writing Previous 10 items 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 Next 6 items