Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 1129 items. Filters: Kindergarten Title Minding the gap: Dilemmas in a didactic and pragmatically informed teaching approach in preschool. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten teachers explain why they teach in a certain way with an emphasis on values. The researchers take a closer look at difficult situations… Year 2021 Author Löf, C., Vallberg Roth, A. C. Subjects Administration Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Didactics Document study Kindergarten Manager Observational Studies Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Sweden Title Digital technology and the subjects of literacy and mathematics in the preschool atelier. Purpose The study explores how digital technology and art activities can support children’s mathematics, reading and writing skills in Swedish kindergartens. The researchers… Year 2021 Author Magnusson, L. O. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Creativity Didactics Digital tools Drawing Ethnographic study Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Mathematics Motory activity Qualitative study Reading Sweden Writing Title Vulnerability and adaptation to heat waves in preschools: Experiences, impacts and responses by unit heads, educators and parents. Purpose The study explores how the heat wave in Sweden in the summer of 2018 affected kindergartens in Norrköping Municipality. The researchers investigate how the heat affected the… Year 2021 Author Malmquist, A., Lundgren, T., Hjerpe, M., Glaas, E., Turner, E., Storbjörk, S. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Physical Environment Sweden Well-being Title Preschool children’s mathematical arguments in play-based activities. Purpose The study investigates the structure and mathematical content of children's mathematical arguments during play-based activities in kindergarten. The goal is to understand how… Year 2021 Author Nergård, B. Subjects Case study Child Child perspectives Kindergarten Mathematics Norway Play Qualitative study Title Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool. Purpose The study investigates how visual aids, gestures and mathematical concepts support effective mathematical communication in play-based activities. The research question is: How… Year 2021 Author Nergård, B., Wæge, K. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Communication Didactics Digital tools Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Mathematics Motory activity Norway Observational Studies Pedagogical assistant Play Qualitative study Title Teacher–child interaction in a goal-oriented preschool context: A micro-analytical study. Purpose The study explores how kindergarten teachers and children relate to each other in a goal-oriented Swedish kindergarten. In this context, ‘goal-oriented’ means a kindergarten… Year 2021 Author Nilfyr, K., Aspelin, J., Lantz-Andersson, A. Subjects Care Case study Child carer/educaters Competence Didactics Goal-directed activities Implementation Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Nursery Observational Studies Policy Qualitative study Sweden Title Evolving and re-mediated activities when preschool children play analogue and digital Memory games. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten children play memory games in both digital and analogue form, and how the games affect children's engagement. The goal is to contribute… Year 2021 Author Nilsen, M., Lundin, M., Wallerstedt, C., Pramling, N. Subjects Child Digital tools Indoor activity Interaction Kindergarten Nursery Observational Studies Play Qualitative study Sweden Title Pedagogical intentions or practical considerations when facilitating children's play? Teachers’ beliefs about the availability of play materials in the indoor ECEC environment. Purpose The study investigates kindergarten teachers' perceptions of the availability of play materials in the physical indoor environment in kindergartens. The research question is:… Year 2021 Author Nilsen, T. R. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Indoor activity Kindergarten Norway Nursery Observational Studies Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Title Lessons learned from Norway on risky play in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify social factors that may affect children's opportunities to participate in risky play in a Norwegian kindergarten context. The study… Year 2021 Author Obee, P., Sandseter, E. B. H., Gerlach, A., Harper, N. J. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Didactics Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery Observational Studies Parent/guardian Physical activity Play Qualitative study Title Ligga steget före: Barnskötares yrkesomdöme åskådliggjort genom bedömningshandlingar. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten assistants, who also work as practical training supervisors, assess upper secondary school pupils in supervised professional training… Year 2021 Author Paul, E., Gåfvels, C. Subjects Assessment Assistant Care Child Didactics Kindergarten Learning process Observational Studies Qualitative study Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 113 Next 10 items