Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 141 items. Filters: Administration Title “Preschool teachers' perspectives on planning and documentation in preschool”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how Norwegian preschool teachers experience the challenges, problems and dilemmas in their planning and documentation of children’s… Year 2014 Authors Alvestad, T. Sheridan, S. Source Early Child Development and Care, 185(3), 377-392. Subjects Administration Care Child carer/educaters Curriculum Digital tools Documentation Learning process Norway Qualitative study Title Caring for Children in a Welfare State. Purpose The dissertation consists of four articles, of which two are included in this report, namely articles two and three. The purpose of article two is to examine the effect of an… Year 2012 Author Drange, N. Source Örebro universitet. Subjects Administration Case-control study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Cross-sectional study Didactics Economy Ethnicity Ethnographic study Interaction Intervention Kindergarten Language Learning process Manager Motory activity Multilingualism Music Norway Nursery Participation Play Policy Qualitative study Quantitative study Social exposure Social inheritance The physical aspect Title Att lära av och med varandra. En etnografisk studie av musik i förskolan i en flerspråkig miljö. Ph.d.-afhandling. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how music can contribute to stimulating children’s language development in three Swedish daycare facilities with a large percentage of… Year 2012 Author Ehrlin, A. Source Örebro universitet. ISBN 978-91-7668-886-1 Subjects Administration Case-control study Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Language Manager Nursery Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Title Rett til en barnehageplass – med krav til god kvalitet? En evaluering av Ski kommunes helhetlige strategi for full barnehagedekning. Purpose Ski municipality has developed a holistic strategy for full coverage in kindergartens where quantity, quality and cost effectiveness are key principles. The new strategy… Year 2008 Author Pettersvold, M.; Aagre, W. Source Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold, Avdeling for lærerutdanning. Subjects Administration Attitude study Child carer/educaters Document study Evaluation Group size Kindergarten Manager Norway Nursery Organisation Policy Qualitative study Title Arkitektur og pedagogikk i samspill eller motspill? – om betydning av koherens mellom planlegging og etablering av nye typer barnehagebygg. Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to examine the interaction between pedagogical content and architecture and the physical environment at ECEC centres seen in relation to… Year 2015 Authors Evenstad, R. Becher, A.A. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 10(2), 1-20. Subjects Administration Case study Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Communication Competence Cooperation History Kindergarten Management Manager Norway Physical Environment Policy Qualitative study Title Managing preschool the Lean way. Evaluating work processes by numbers and colours. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate how public preschools use the Lean management model in their daily practices. The study focuses on how evaluative techniques are… Year 2015 Author Thedvall, R. Source Social Anthropology 23(1), 42-52. Subjects Administration Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Communication Cooperation Dialogue Documentation Ethnographic study Evaluation Implementation Management Manager Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Inklusion i daginstitutioner: mellem pædagogik og arbejdsmiljø. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of successful inclusion of children with special needs in ECEC settings for 0-6-year-olds, and the occupational… Year 2015 Authors Albertsen, K. Kjær, B. Limborg, H.J. Fournaise, M. Source Valby: TeamArbejdsliv. Subjects Administration Care Child Child carer/educaters Communication Cooperation Cooperation with parents Denmark Dialogue Economy Ethnographic study Kindergarten Management Manager Organisation Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Physical Environment Qualitative study Title Barnehagetilbudet til barn med særlige behov: Undersøkelse av tilbudet til barn med særlige behov under opplæringspliktig alder. Purpose This report aims to map the content and the organisation of services provided to 3-5-year-old children with special needs in kindergarten (barnehage). The report specifically… Year 2015 Authors Wendelborg, C. Caspersen, J. Kittelsaa, A.M. Svendsen, S. Haugset, A.S. Kongsvik, T. Reiling, R.B. Source NTNU Samfunnsforskning. Subjects Administration Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Document study Documentation Economy Evaluation Institutionalisation Kindergarten Longitudinal study Manager Mixed-method Norway Organisation Parent/guardian Title Ledelsesroller og lederidentitet i dagtilbud under forandring: Identitetsdannelse og identitetsledelse i daginstitutioner på 0 til 6 års området. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between identity, strategic orientation and institutional change in the organisation and management of daycare centres for… Year 2010 Author Møller, J. K. Source Roskilde: Roskilde Universitet, Institut for Kommunikation, Virksomhed og Informationsteknologier (CBIT). Subjects Administration Competence Denmark Identity Kindergarten Management Manager Mixed-method Nursery Organisation Policy Professionalisation Title ”Inklusion i dagtilbud. Kortlægning af arbejdet med inklusion i daginstitutioner og dagpleje”. Purpose The purpose of this survey is to gain an insight into how and the extent to which Danish municipalities and daycare facilities work on inclusion, specifically with a view to… Year 2014 Author Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Source København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Subjects Administration Assessment Attitude study Care in private homes Child carer/educaters Childminder Competence Cross-disciplinary collaboration Cross-sectional study Denmark Further and continuing training Inclusion Management Manager Mapping Nursery Physical Environment Quantitative study Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 15 Next 10 items