Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 34 items. Filters: Cohort study Title Förskolepersonals syn på att uppmärksamma särskild begåvning i förskolan. Purpose The study investigates kindergarten employees' perceptions of giftedness and gifted children. The research questions are: 1) How have kindergarten staff acquired knowledge… Year 2021 Author Ekesryd Nordström, M. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cohort study Competence Didactics Inclusion Pedagogical staff Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title The prevalence of risky play in young children’s indoor and outdoor free play. Purpose The study investigates the prevalence and characteristics of children's risky play, indoors and outdoors, in kindergarten. The research questions are: 1. How prevalent is risky… Year 2021 Author Sandseter, E. B. H., Kleppe, R., Sando, O. J. Subjects Child Cohort study Cross-sectional study Gender Indoor activity Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Observational Studies Outdoor activity Physical activity Play Quantitative study Well-being Wellbeing Title Children’s temperament moderates the long-term effects of pedagogical practices in ECEC on children’s externalising problems. Purpose The study investigates how pedagogical practices in kindergartens, specifically free play and support from kindergarten staff, are related to children's development of… Year 2021 Author Wilhelmsen, T., Lekhal, R., Alexandersen, N., Brandlistuen, R. E., Wang, M. V. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cohort study Didactics Emotional Competence Kindergarten Longitudinal study Norway Parent/guardian Play Quantitative study Transitions to school Well-being Wellbeing Title Essays on schooling, gender, and parental leave. Purpose The objective of this study is to examine whether preschool interventions enhance language skills in Swedish children with non-Swedish ethnic backgrounds, and how these… Year 2009 Author Johansson, E.-A. Source Uppsala: Department of Economics, Uppsala University. Subjects Child Cognitive competence Cohort study Ethnicity Gender History Inequality Intervention Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Nursery Quantitative study Sweden Title Response to early literacy instruction in the United States, Australia, and Scandinavia: A Behavioral-Genetic analysis. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how genetic and environmental factors affect the early reading and writing skills of twins in a pre-school class until the end of the… Year 2008 Author Samuelsson, S.; Byrne, B.; Olson, R. K.; Hulslander, J.; Wadsworth, S.; Corley, R.; Willcutt, E. G.; DeFries, J. C. Source Learning and Individual Differences 18 (3) S. 289-295. Subjects Child Cohort study Comparative analysis Language Longitudinal study Norway OECD-country Physical Environment Quantitative study Reading Sweden Writing Title Sammenhengen mellom barns deltakelse i norske barnehager og utviklingen av språk og atferd i tidlig barndom. Resultater fra Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen. Purpose The purpose of this study is to illustrate the relationship between children's language development and behaviour, and the type of childcare they are offered. This means… Year 2013 Authors Lekhal, R. Vaage, W.M. Schjølberg, S. Source I: S. Holmseth (red.), Utdanning 2013 – fra barnehage til doktorgrad (pp. 35-56). Oslo: Statistisk sentralbyrå Subjects Child Cohort study Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Norway Parent/guardian Quantitative study Title ”Barnepass fram til 18 måneder: Sammenhenger mellom barnepass fram til 18 måneder og språklige ferdigheter og psykisk fungering ved 5 år”. Purpose The purpose of this study is divided in two, and the study has a descriptive as well as an exploratory aim. The authors want to describe the use of daycare schemes in Norway as… Year 2011 Authors Schjølberg, S. Lekhal, R. Vartun, M. Helland, S.S. Mathiesen, K.S. Source Oslo: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt. ISBN 978-82-8082-470-7 Subjects Child Cognitive competence Cohort study Kindergarten Labour market Language Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Organisation Quantitative study Time Title Påverkar maxtaxan inom barnomsorgen hur mycket föräldrar arbetar? Purpose In the period 2001 to 2003, the municipal structural reform on childcare was implemented in Sweden. The reform was called ’Maksimal takst og almen førskole m.m.’ (maximum… Year 2006 Authors Mörk, E.; Lindqvist L; Lundin, D. Source Uppsala: Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU). Subjects Cohort study Kindergarten Labour market Nursery Parent/guardian Payment by parents Quantitative study Sweden Title ”Preschoolers' psychosocial problems: In the eyes of the beholder? Adding teacher characteristics as determinants of discrepant parent-teacher reports”. Purpose The primary purpose of this study is to examine factors that come into play in parent-child carer (dis)agreement on children’s psychological problems. The study also examines… Year 2011 Authors Berg-Nielsen, T.S. Solheim, E. Belsky, J. Wichstrøm, L. Source Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 43, 393–413. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Cohort study Gender Norway Quantitative study Social Competence Title Time spent outdoors during preschool: Links with children's cognitive and behavioral development Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the link between time spent outdoors in preschool and children's cognitive and behavioural development in preschool and first grade. Year 2017 Author Ulset, V., Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., Bekkhus, M., & Borge A. I. H. Source Journal of Environmental Psychology 52, 69-80. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Cohort study Kindergarten Longitudinal study Manager Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Parent/guardian Physical Environment Quantitative study 1 2 3 4 Next 10 items