Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 49 items. Filters: RCT study Title Effective language and literacy instruction: Evaluating the importance of scripting and group size components Purpose The purpose of the study was to identify the components of a language and literacy development programme (LEAP) that had the clearest correlation with the desired outcome in… Year 2018 Author Bleses, D., Højen, A., Dale, P. S., Justice, L. M., Dybdal, L., Piasta, S. B., Markussen-Brown, J., Kjærbek, L. & Hagish, E. F. Source Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 42(1st Quarter):256–269. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Competence Denmark Didactics Kindergarten Language Quantitative study RCT study Reading Title Vi lærer sprog i vuggestuen og dagplejen. En målrettet og struktureret indsats, som virker ved at styrke læringsmiljøet for de yngste Purpose The report presents the results from the research project called We Are Learning Language in Nursery and Daycare. The project targeted the youngest children in 13 Danish… Year 2019 Author Bleses, D., Højen, A., Jensen, P., Rathe, A. B., Boisen, L. A., Nielsen, H. & Jensen, C. H. Source Rapport. Børne- og Socialministeriet. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Care in private homes Child Child carer/educaters Childminder Children's skills development Children's social relationships Cognitive competence Competence Concept of formative development/education Cooperation with parents Denmark Didactics Emotional Competence Equal opportunities Inclusion Kindergarten Language Learning process Management Management and organisation in ECEC Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Professionalisation Qualitative study RCT study Social Competence Wellbeing Title Individual differences in response to a large-scale language and pre-literacy intervention for preschoolers in Denmark Purpose The study investigates the effect of the SPELL programme on different groups of Danish kindergarten children. The SPELL programme aims to strengthen children’s language and… Year 2018 Author Dale, P., Logan, J., Bleses, D., Højen, A. & Justice, L. Source Learning and Individual Differences, 61:68-76. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Books Child Children's skills development Curriculum Denmark Design and layout of the physical environment Didactics Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Municipal and state control Quantitative study RCT study Reading aloud Title Can illegitimate job tasks be reduced by a participatory organizational-level workplace intervention? Results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Danish pre-schools Purpose The study investigates whether a measure, aimed at improving the working environment in kindergartens by focusing on the core tasks of staff, contributes to reducing… Year 2018 Author Framke, E., Sørensen, O. H., Pedersen, J., Rugulies, R. Subjects Assistant Child carer/educaters Denmark Management Manager Organisation Pedagogical staff Qualitative study RCT study Skilled worker Title Effect of a participatory organizational workplace intervention on workplace social capital: Post-hoc results from a cluster randomized controlled trial Purpose The study investigates whether measures that promote collaboration among kindergarten employees also strengthen the social capital of the workplace, thereby increasing employee… Year 2019 Author Framke, E., Sørensen, O. H., Pedersen, J., Clausen, T., Borg, V., Rugulies, R. Subjects Assistant Child carer/educaters Denmark Management Manager Organisation Pedagogical staff Qualitative study RCT study Skilled worker Title Children’s physical activity level and sedentary behaviour in Norwegian early childhood education and care: effects of a staff-led cluster-randomised controlled trial Purpose The purpose of the article is to investigate the potential that staff-led interventions with guidance can have in increasing children’s physical activity and reducing sedentary… Year 2020 Author Andersen. E., Øvreås, S., Jørgensen, K. A., Jenssen, J. B., Moser, T. Subjects Child Health Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery Physical activity Quantitative study RCT study Title Low-cost teacher implemented intervention improves toddler’s language and math skills Purpose The authors of the article investigate how to increase the quality of kindergartens by means of a low-cost intervention (‘Play and Learn’) over the course of 20 weeks. The… Year 2020 Author Bleses, D., Jensen, P., Slot, P. & Justice, L. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Competence Denmark Didactics Ethnicity Inequality Interaction Intervention Kindergarten Language Mathematics Nursery Observational Studies Quantitative study RCT study Social inheritance Title Does transformational leadership stimulate user orientation? Evidence from a field experiment Purpose The study investigates how the use of transformational leadership can be used by kindergarten coordinators to reinforce employees’ motivation by getting them to focus on the… Year 2020 Author Bro, L. L. & Jensen, U. T. Subjects Child carer/educaters Denmark Didactics Kindergarten Learning process Management Manager Mixed-method Nursery Professionalisation RCT study Title Shared Book Reading in Preschool Supports Bilingual Children’s Second-Language Learning: A Cluster-Randomized Trial Purpose The study investigates the effect of a shared book reading intervention (Extend) on bilingual kindergarten children’s majority language development. The research questions… Year 2020 Author Grøver, V., Rydland, V., Gustaffson, J.-E. & Snow, C. E. Subjects Books Child Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Communication Competence Concept of formative development/education Dialogue Didactics Emotional Competence Ethnicity Goal-directed activities Identity Inclusion Indoor activity Inequality Intervention Kindergarten Language Learning process Library Multilingualism Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Participation Professionalisation Quantitative study RCT study Reading Reading aloud Values Title Effects of a kindergarten intervention on vegetables served and staff’s food-related practices: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial – the BRA study Purpose The study evaluates the effect of the BRA intervention (Barnehage, gRønnsaker and fAmilie) on kindergarten children’s intake of vegetables in terms of frequency, variation and… Year 2020 Author Himberg-Sundet, A., Kristiansen, A. L., Andersen, L. F., Bjelland, M. & Lien, N. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Food and meals Kindergarten Norway Nursery Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Quantitative study RCT study Skilled worker Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 Next 9 items