Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 54 items. Filters: Social and special pedagogics Title Video feedback combined with coordination meetings in school to reduce early disruptive behaviour problems (DBP)—A 1‐year follow‐up randomised controlled trial. Purpose The study compares the long-term effects of the Marte Meo intervention method combined with coordination meetings (MAC) involving regular services (service as usual, SAU) for… Year 2021 Author Balldin, S., Bergström, M., Wirtberg, I., Axberg, U. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Emotional Competence Interpersonal relation Intervention Kindergarten Observational Studies Parent/guardian Quantitative study RCT study Social and special pedagogics Social exposure Sweden Title An Unclear Task? The Perspectives of Swedish Preschool and Special Needs Teachers on their Role in Assessing and Documenting Child Development. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten teachers and special needs teachers in Sweden perceive their own role and each other's role in kindergarten documentation and assessment… Year 2021 Author Erlandsson, M., Gustavsson, C., Karlsudd, P. I. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Yrkesgruppers anspråk på arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd: En studie av jurisdiktion, arbetsfördelning och professionellt arbete i förskolan. Purpose The study investigates how the division of labour between kindergarten teachers and special needs teachers is described with regard to children who need special support. More… Year 2021 Author Gäreskog, P. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Promoting Diversity and Belonging: Preschool Staff’s Perspective on Inclusive Factors in the Swedish Preschool. Purpose The purpose of the study was to gain knowledge about and insight into kindergarten staff's perspectives on factors and pedagogical approaches that promote diversity and… Year 2021 Author Karlsudd, P. Subjects Assistant Attitude study Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Didactics Economy Equal opportunities Equality Inclusion Inequality Kindergarten Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Policy Quantitative study Skilled worker Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Ways to implement preschool inclusion: A multiple-case study. Purpose The study focuses on inclusion practices in kindergartens. It explores methods used for realising inclusion, how support for children with disabilities is offered, and the… Year 2021 Author Lundqvist, J. Subjects Autism Case study Child Child carer/educaters Inclusion Kindergarten Mental disability Mixed-method Nursery Observational Studies Physical disability Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP): a cultural validation and investigation of its perceived usefulness in the context of the Swedish preschool. Purpose The study investigates the cultural validity of The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) tool in Swedish kindergartens, and explores its perceived usefulness in a Swedish… Year 2021 Author Lundqvist, J., Larsdotter Bodin, U. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child carer/educaters Digital tools Document study Inclusion Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Adapting the preschool environment to the needs of children on the autism spectrum in Sweden: A quasi-experimental study. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten staff use the Swedish Autism Program Environment Rating Scale (APERS-P-SE) to improve the learning environment for children with autism.… Year 2021 Author Bejnö, H., Roll-Pettersson, L., Klintwall, L., Långh, U., Odom, S. L., Bölte, S. Subjects Assessment Assistant Autism Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Intervention Kindergarten Learning process Pedagogical staff Quantitative study Skilled worker Social and special pedagogics Sweden Well-being Wellbeing Title Förskolepersonals syn på att uppmärksamma särskild begåvning i förskolan. Purpose The study investigates kindergarten employees' perceptions of giftedness and gifted children. The research questions are: 1) How have kindergarten staff acquired knowledge… Year 2021 Author Ekesryd Nordström, M. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cohort study Competence Didactics Inclusion Pedagogical staff Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title När barn blir till belastning och problem i förskola: Om behov av särskilt stöd och resurser i ett pressat läge. Purpose The purpose of the study is to identify and analyse kindergarten staff's statements about children who in various ways are categorised/constructed as children in need of… Year 2021 Author Palla, L. Subjects Attitude study Care Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Discourse analysis Document study Equality Hermeneutic study Manager Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Social interaction and gender as factors affecting the trajectories of children's engagement and hyperactive behaviour in preschool. Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate how gender, interaction between children and kindergarten teacher responses affect the relationship between children's engagement and… Year 2021 Author Sjöman, M., Granlund, M., Axelsson, A. K., Almqvist, L., Danielsson, H. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Gender Interaction Interpersonal relation Intervention Kindergarten Longitudinal study Nursery Quantitative study Social Competence Social and special pedagogics Sweden 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 10 items