Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 296 items. Filters: Interaction Title Peer interaction in preschool: Necessary, but not sufficient: The influence of social interaction on the link between behavior difficulties and engagement among children with and without need of special support Purpose The primary goal of this thesis is to increase knowledge about involvement among children with and without the need for special support due to behavioural difficulties. The… Year 2018 Author Sjöman, M. Source Jönköping University Subjects Child Communication Cross-sectional study Emotional Competence Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Longitudinal study Mixed-method Physical activity Social Competence Sweden Well-being Wellbeing Title Individual children’s interactions with teachers, peers, and tasks: The applicability of the inCLASS Pre-K in Danish preschools Purpose Pre-school social skills, defined as children successfully interacting with their peers and teachers, and adaptive classrooms and task-related behaviour, have been shown to… Year 2018 Author Slot, P. L. & Bleses, D. Source Learning and Individual Differences, 61:68–76 Subjects Child Competence Cross-sectional study Denmark Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Longitudinal study Mathematics Quantitative study RCT study Social Competence Title Barns teknikskapande: en studie av bygg- och konstruktionslek i förskolan Purpose The purpose of the study was to contribute new knowledge in the technological field of research in kindergartens by studying children’s, and to some extent kindergarten… Year 2019 Author Thorshag, K. Source Malmö Universitet Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Competence Dialogue Didactics Entrepreneurship Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Qualitative study Sweden Title Debugging in Programming as a Multimodal Practice in Early Childhood Education Settings Purpose Formålet med studiet er at uddybe, hvordan programmering kan forstås som et nyt undervisningsområde i børnehaver, med specifikt fokus på fejlfinding som en af de faser, der er… Year 2018 Author Heikkilä, M., Mannila, L. Source Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(42):1-19. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Case study Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Children's social relationships Communication Competence Cooperation Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Language Mathematics Qualitative study Sweden Title Organizing Shared Digital Reading in Groups: Optimizing the Affordances of Text and Medium Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate the design of shared digital reading (reading groups) as a basis for critical reflection on the reading situation in an institutional… Year 2019 Author Hoel, T., Tønnessen, E. S. Source Aera Open, 5(4):1-14. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Children's social relationships Communication Dialogue Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Language Learning process Mixed-method Norway Qualitative study Quantitative study Reading Reading aloud Title Barns undring gjennom fortolkning og levd kropp. Hermeneutiske og fenomenologiske hendelser i barnehagen Purpose The thesis aims to develop a new understanding of children’s lifeworld and children’s formation processes in kindergarten. The thesis highlights the child’s existence as homo… Year 2018 Author Amundsen, H. M. Source Akademisk avhandling. NTNU. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Communication Competence Concept of formative development/education Dialogue Ethnographic study Friendship Hermeneutic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Norway Participation Qualitative study Wellbeing Title Comparing Imitation Responding and IBT for children with ASD, a preschool intervention Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of two types of measures: Imitation Responding (IR) and Intensive Behaviour Treatment (IBT). These measures are used as… Year 2019 Author Janson, B.S., Heimann, M., Tjus, T. Source Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs WILEY, 20(2):97-108. Subjects Action-based research Autism Child Children's skills development Children's social relationships Cognitive competence Communication Equal opportunities Interaction Interpersonal relation Intervention Kindergarten Mixed-method Nursery Social Competence Social exposure Sweden Title Dokumentationssyndromet – En interaktionistisk och socialkritisk studie av förskolans dokumentations- och bedömningspraktik Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate pedagogical documentation and evaluation practices in kindergarten. Focus is placed on everyday situations in which educators carry out… Year 2018 Author Nilfyr, K. Source Linnéuniversitetet Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Communication Documentation Ethnographic study Evaluation Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Sweden Title Empathic Expressions among Three-Year-Olds in Play and Interaction in ECEC Institutions in Norway: Bodily Empathic Expressions Purposed for Peers' Well-Being and Confirming Relationships Purpose The purpose is to contribute new knowledge through descriptions of how three-year-olds express self-initiated empathy with their peers. This is based on an understanding that… Year 2019 Author Nergaard, K. Source Early Child Development and Care, 189(9):1444-1456 Subjects Child Cognitive competence Communication Emotional Competence Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Nursery Qualitative study Social Competence Well-being Wellbeing Title Tillträde, förhandling och deltagande i förskolebarns egenorganiserade gemensamma aktiviteter Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate pre-school children’s participation in and initiation of self-organised joint activities/play in a Swedish pre-school. The study has the… Year 2018 Author Jivegård, U. Source Akademisk avhandling. Göteborgs Universitet. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Children's social relationships Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Play Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ... 30 Next 10 items