Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 222 items. Filters: Interpersonal relation Title Det pædagogiske samspils bevægende kraft: Affektivitet og læringsmiljøer i daginstitutioner. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe, analyse and discuss how emotional relationships ("affective strengths") in interactions between adults and children are important to… Year 2013 Author Svinth, L. Source Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 50 (3), 35-50. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Emotional Competence Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Learning process Nursery Qualitative study Title Preschool teachers’ perceptions of children's roughand-tumble play (R&T) in indoor and outdoor environments. Purpose This study examines the prevalence of, and differences between, miscellaneous rough-and-tumble play (i.e. physical play initiated by children and which involves chasing,… Year 2015 Authors Storli, R. Sandseter, E.B.H. Source Early Child Development and Care 185(11-12), 1995-2009. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Co-decision making Communication Gender Indoor activity Inequality Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Quantitative study The physical aspect Wellbeing Title Entrepreneurial Learning in Education: Preschool as a Take-Off for the Entrepreneurial Self. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the pedagogical practices supporting or impeding development of entrepreneurial skills in children at a Swedish preschool. In addition… Year 2015 Authors Axelsson, K. Hägglund, S. Sandberg, A. Source Journal of Education and Training 2(2), 40-58. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Dialogue Entrepreneurship Further and continuing training Identity Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Learning process Participation Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Wellbeing Title The role of artefacts during transition into the peer group: 1-to 3-year-old children’s perspective on transition between the home and the pre-school in Sweden. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how young children construct their very first relations with peers in preschool, and how they master the introduction period and the… Year 2015 Author Simonsson, M. Source International Journal of Transitions in Childhood 8, 14-24. Subjects Child Competence Ethnographic study Institutionalisation Interaction Interpersonal relation Nursery Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Title ”Vi började se barnen och deras samspel på ett nytt sätt”: Utveckling av samspelsdimensionen i förskolan, med hjälp av Pedagogisk Processreflektion. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine whether it is possible for staff in kindergartens and day nurseries to work with dimensions of interaction between children, and between… Year 2010 Author Bygdeson-Larsson, K. Source Umeå: Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad utbildningsvetenskap, avhandling 36. ISBN 978-91-7459-076-0 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Hermeneutic study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Narrative analysis Nursery Pedagogical assistant Professionalisation Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Wellbeing Title Måltidsfellesskap i barnehagen – Demokratiets vugge?: En studie av samtaler med ansatte på småbarnsavdelinger. Purpose The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a perspective on mealtime situations in an ECEC setting (barnehage). These situations are assumed to be regulated by cultural and… Year 2015 Author Tofteland, B. Source Doktorgradsavhandling. Universitetet i Stavanger. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Democracy Dialogue Ethnographic study Food and meals Identity Indoor activity Interaction Interpersonal relation Norway Nursery Qualitative study Title Kompletterande anknytningsperson på förskola. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how child carers develop their roles through training as an additional contact person for children of parents suffering from mental… Year 2010 Author Hagström, B. Source Malmø: Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences No. 48, Malmö högskola. ISBN 978-91-86295-00-4 Subjects Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Further and continuing training Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Narrative analysis Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Appar och agency: barns interaktion med pekplattor i förskolan. Purpose The use of digital devices in Swedish ECEC centres has steadily increased within the last few years. This development has resulted in a number of altered conditions for… Year 2015 Author Petersen, P. Source Institutionen för Pedagogik, Didaktik och Utbildningsstudier, Uppsala universitet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Competence Cooperation Dialogue Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Ethnicity Ethnographic study Inclusion Indoor activity Interaction Interpersonal relation Language Multilingualism Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Title “Nytråkk” i gamle spor. Retrospektivt blikk på hverdagslivet i en småbarnsgruppe. Purpose The purpose of this study is to enable children to express how they experienced everyday life at an ECEC centre (0-2 years) two years after they left the centre. Year 2015 Authors Winger, N. Eide, B.J. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 9(4), 1-22. Subjects Child Child perspectives Documentation Friendship Interpersonal relation Norway Physical Environment Qualitative study Wellbeing Title ”Tokens, peer context and mobility in preschool children’s positioning work”. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 3(2), 41-52. Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyse children's positioning strategies at a Swedish daycare centre. The aim is to examine how children regularly construct, negotiate, retain… Year 2010 Author Skånfors, L. Subjects Child Ethnographic study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 23 Next 10 items