Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 97 items. Filters: Socialisation Title Gender and technology in free play in Swedish early childhood education. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how girls and boys explore and learn about technology. In this study, technology means building constructions using building blocks or… Year 2015 Authors Hallström, J. Elvstrand, H. Hellberg, K. Source International journal of technology and design education 25(2),137-149. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Gender Indoor activity Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Outdoor activity Play Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Kan Batman vara rosa?: Förhandlingar om pojkighet och normalitet på en förskola. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the standards of "being boyish". The study focuses on how standards are created, reproduced and renegotiated by children and child… Year 2010 Author Hellman, A. Source Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Gothenburg studies in educational sciences, 299. ISBN 978-91-7346-689-9 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Ethnographic study Gender Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Science in early childhood education. Purpose The study explores the conditions and possibilities for creating a preschool science Didaktik. The objective is to set up didactic criteria and examine the preschool teachers’… Year 2015 Author Broström, S. Source Journal of Education and Human Development 4(2), 107-124. Subjects Action-based research Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Competence Denmark Didactics Indoor activity Kindergarten Learning process Mathematics Natural Science Outdoor activity Participation Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Socialisation Title En institutionaliserad barndom eller rum för relationer. Purpose The aim is to show how the child perspective can open up for questioning the concept of institutionalisation. The focus of the study includes how the term… Year 2007 Author Halldén, G. Source I: Halldén, G. Den moderna barndomen och barns vardagsliv (S. 164-173). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. Subjects Child Child perspectives Document study Institutionalisation Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Att förstå förskolan: vardagslivets institutionella ansikten. Purpose The study examines how kindergarten can be perceived, and how it is in shaped in practice. The study focuses on how children, staff and parents shape the institution through… Year 2007 Author Markström, A. M. Source Stockholm: Studentlitteratur. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Institutionalisation Kindergarten Nursery Parent/guardian Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Dagtilbud med høy, god og lav kvalitet. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine learning environments at daycare facilities working with the LP model. The study focusses on gender and on whether or not the child is… Year 2013 Author Sunnevåg, A. Source Cepra-striben, 15, 74-85. Subjects Attitude study Childhood vision Communication Competence Denmark Equal opportunities Interaction Interpersonal relation Language Play Quantitative study Social Competence Socialisation Wellbeing Title På jagt efter det demokratiske: En pragmatisk kulturanalyse af muligheder og begrænsninger for børns demokratiske erfaringer i daginstitutionen Purpose The thesis deals with opportunities and limitations in relation to children’s democratic experiences in Danish kindergartens. The PhD project investigates the following… Year 2019 Author Prins, K. M. Source Roskilde Universitet Subjects Action-based research Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Childhood vision Communication Concept of formative development/education Curriculum Democracy Denmark Dialogue Didactics Equality Ethnicity Ethnographic study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Participation Play Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Social Competence Socialisation Transitions to school Values Title Preschool teachers as keepers of traditions and agents of change Purpose According to the curriculum for Swedish kindergartens, one of the tasks of kindergartens is to pass on a cultural heritage, with its values, traditions and history, language… Year 2018 Author Puskás, T. & Andersson, A. Source Early Years, 41(2-3):190–201 Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Case study Child Curriculum Didactics Kindergarten Learning process Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Hallmarks of participation – children’s conceptions of how to get access to communities in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Purpose The study investigates how children describe the opportunity to actively participate in their everyday kindergarten life by being included, accepted and engaged in a community… Year 2019 Author Ree, M., Alvestad, M. & Johansson, E. Source International Journal of Early Years Education, 27(2):200-215 Subjects Attachment Attitude study Child Child perspectives Communication Democracy Emotional Competence Friendship Inclusion Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Participation Qualitative study Social Competence Socialisation Title Participation in communities in ECEC expressed in child–educator interactions Purpose The study investigates what type of opportunities children have to actively participate in kindergartens. In this study, the concept of participation refers to how children are… Year 2019 Author Ree, M. & Emilson, A. Source Early Child Development and Care, 190(14):2229-2240 Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Attachment Child Child carer/educaters Communication Democracy Dialogue Didactics Equal opportunities Food and meals Inclusion Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Morning assembly Norway Participation Pedagogical assistant Physical activity Play Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Socialisation Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next 10 items