Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 481 items. Filters: Municipal and state control Title Naturorienterad utbildning i förskolan: Pragmatiska undersökningar av meningsskapandets individuella, sociala och kulturella dimensioner. Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to elucidate what happens when children aged 1-3 years in Swedish daycare centres (förskola) encounter nature. Furthermore, the objective… Year 2013 Author Klaar, S. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Örebro universitet, Örebro. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Documentation Ethnographic study Learning process Natural Science Nursery Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Qualitative study Sweden Title Konstruktionen av det avvikande förskolebarnet: En kritisk fallstudie angående utvecklingsbedömningar av yngre barn. Purpose The objective of this dissertation is to describe and explore the conditions on which diagnoses of children are based. The dissertation analyses the organisational processes… Year 2006 Author Lutz, K. Source Malmö: Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen. Subjects Autism Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Cross-disciplinary collaboration Discourse analysis Document study Ethnographic study History Policy Qualitative study Screening instrument Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel: Delrapport 1 – Dialogmøter mellom fylkesmenn og regionale høgskoler om kompetanseutvikling, etter- og videreutdanning. Purpose This study is a sub-report of the larger project Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel (Continuing and further education and… Year 2006 Authors Moser, T.; Pettersvold M.; Jansen, T. T. Source Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold. Subjects Administration Child carer/educaters Competence Cross-sectional study Economy Evaluation Further and continuing training Kindergarten Mapping Mixed-method Norway Nursery University colleges Title Socialt udsatte børn i dagtilbud – indsats og effekt. Sammenfattende rapport. Purpose This report describes the nature and scope of measures targeted at vulnerable children at daycare centres, and investigates the design and impacts of these measures and methods… Year 2009 Author Mehlbye, J. et al. Source København: Indenrigs- og Socialministeriet, Anvendt Kommunal Forskning. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Denmark Document study Emotional Competence Inequality Kindergarten Language Mixed-method Nursery Parent/guardian Policy Screening instrument Social Competence Social exposure Title ”Barnefamiliers tilsynsordninger, høsten 2010”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe choices, behaviour, preferences and priorities of families with young children regarding daycare schemes and school-based leisure-time… Year 2011 Authors Moafi, H. Bjørkli, E.S. Source Oslo: Statistisk Sentralbyrå. ISBN 978-82-537-8216-4 Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Economy Kindergarten Labour market Norway Parent/guardian Payment by parents Quantitative study Time Title ”Non-cognitive child outcomes and universal high-quality child care”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine whether being in child care compared with being cared for at home has an impact on three-year-olds, measured in terms of non-cognitive… Year 2010 Author Datta Gupta, N. og Simonsen Source Journal of Public Economics, 94(1-2), 30-43. Subjects Child Denmark Nursery Quantitative study Time Title ”Åpne barnehager i Norge. Organisering, bruk og betydning”. Purpose This report presents the results from a report on staffed playgroups (for children and their parents/guardians) in Norway. The purpose of the report is to provide an overview… Year 2014 Authors Haugset, A. Gotvassli, K. Ljunggren, B. Stene, M. Source Rapport 2014:9. Steinkjer: Trøndelag Forskning og Utvikling. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Document study Economy Interpersonal relation Mixed-method Norway Organisation Parent/guardian Play Qualitative study Quantitative study Title Kvalitet og kvantitet. Kvalitet i en barnehagesektor i sterk vekst. Purpose This study is the third study in a series on quality in Norwegian kindergartens. The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research aims to identify and update knowledge about… Year 2009 Author Winsvold, A. Source Oslo: NOVA. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Documentation Evaluation History Kindergarten Language Learning process Manager Mapping Norway Nursery Organisation Quantitative study Title Individuella utvecklingsplaner för yngre barn i Sverige: Ett kritiskt ämnesdidaktiskt perspektiv. Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyse the objectives and content of individual development plans (IDP) at daycare centres (children under six years) and pre-school classes… Year 2008 Author Roth, A.-C.V. og Månsson Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 1 (1) S. 25-39. Subjects Child Didactics Document study Documentation Kindergarten Qualitative study Social inheritance Sweden Title “Socialisation tensions in the Swedish Preschool Curriculum – the case of mathematics”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the goals and guidelines in the revised national curriculum for preschools that was implemented at Swedish preschools in June 2011. The… Year 2014 Authors Lembrér, D. Meaney, T. Source I: Bergman, L. m.fl. (red.): Childhood, learning and didactics. Educare-vetenskapliga skrifter, 2014:2. Malmö: Malmö Högskola. 89-106. Subjects Child Competence Curriculum Document study Learning process Mathematics Policy Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Values Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 49 Next 10 items