Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 88 items. Filters: Natural Science Title Design för lärande: barns meningsskapande i naturvetenskap. Purpose The purpose of the study is to describe and analyse the design of natural science learning environments. Moreover, focus is on examining how children in daycare, pre-school… Year 2012 Author Fristorp, A.E. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Stockholm universitet. ISBN 978-91-7447-507-4 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Ethnographic study Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Lärare för förändring – att synliggöra och utmana föreställningar om naturvetenskap och genus”. Purpose The purpose of this dissertation is to visualise, clarify and challenge child carers’ and teachers’ perceptions of natural science and gender, and to analyse and describe in… Year 2011 Author Andersson, K. Source Norrköping: Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier, Linköpings universitet. ISBN 978-91-7393-222-6 Subjects Action-based research Child carer/educaters Competence Ethnographic study Further and continuing training Gender Longitudinal study Natural Science Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Barns frågor under en naturvetenskaplig aktivitet i förskolan”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine what children ask questions about, and how these questions develop during work on a natural-science topic in a kindergarten. The… Year 2010 Author Thulin, S. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 3(1), 27-40. Subjects Child Didactics Ethnographic study Friendship Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Nursery Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Title Engagerade i världens bästa? Lärande för hållbarhet i förskolan. Purpose The objective of this study is to gain knowledge about pedagogical work on sustainability in Swedish daycare centres (förskola). The study focusses on how children perceive… Year 2013 Author Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Curriculum Document study Kindergarten Natural Science Outdoor activity Physical Environment Qualitative study Sweden Title Vad händer med lärandets objekt? En studie av hur lärare och barn i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen Purpose Year 2006 Author Thulin, S. Source Växjö: Växjö University Press. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Curriculum Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Qualitative study Sweden Title Playful learning about light and shadow: A learning study project in early childhood education Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore how a learning study can support the development of children's understanding of physics learning in early childhood education; more… Year 2016 Author Lindstrand, A. E., Hansson, L., Olsson, R. & Ljung-Djärf, A. Source Creative Education 7(2), 333-348. ISBN 27392441 Subjects Action-based research Child Evaluation Goal-directed activities Intervention Kindergarten Learning process Mixed-method Natural Science Sweden Title "Drawing the leaves anyway": Teachers embracing children's different ways of knowing in preschool science practice Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine if and how teachers combine science with preschool practice in activities with a science content. The study examines (1) how teachers’… Year 2016 Author Areljung, S., Ottander, C., & Due, K. Source Research in science education. ISBN 27392404 Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Didactics Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Nursery Qualitative study Sweden Title Naturmöten och källsortering – En kvantitativ studie om lärande för hållbar utveckling i förskolan Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how preschool teachers understand children's learning about sustainable development and environmental issues as well as to gain an… Year 2016 Author Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. & Sundberg, B. Source Nordina 12(2), 140-156. ISBN 27392388 Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Curriculum Health Indoor activity Kindergarten Learning process Manager Natural Science Nursery Outdoor activity Pedagogical assistant Physical Environment Quantitative study Sweden Values Title Student Teachers’ Workplace-Based Learning in Sweden on Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: Experiences in Practice Settings Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to examine how early childhood student teachers describe their experiences with education for sustainability during their workplace-based… Year 2017 Author Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. Source International Journal of Early Childhood, 49(3), 411-427. Subjects Document study Ethnicity Learning process Natural Science Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title A Critical Analysis of Concepts Associated with Sustainability in Early Childhood Curriculum Frameworks Across Five National Contexts Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine whether and how ideas of sustainability occur in five current early childhood curricula. This is done by comparing national curricula… Year 2017 Author Weldemariam, K., Boyd, D., Hirst, N., Sageidet, B. M., Browder, J. K., Grogan, L., & Hughes, F. Source International Journal of Early Childhood, 49(3), 333–351. Subjects Childhood vision Comparative analysis Curriculum Document study Natural Science Norway OECD-country Physical Environment Policy Qualitative study Sweden Values Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 9 Next 10 items