Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 116 items. Filters: Care Title Preschool’s new suit: care in terms of learning and knowledge. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how the notion of care is implicitly expressed in work on documentation at Swedish preschools. The following research questions were… Year 2015 Authors Löfdahl, A. Folke-Fichtelius, M. Source Early Years 35(3), 260–272. Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Documentation Ethnographic study Manager Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Da kvaliteten kom til småbørnsinstitutionerne: beretninger om hvordan det går til, når kvalitet på det småbørnspædagogiske område skal vides og styres. Purpose This dissertation explores how quality reporting is carried out in ECEC centres. The research questions are: What happens when ‘quality’, ‘effects’ and ‘results’ become the… Year 2015 Author Togsverd, L. Source Doctoral dissertation, Forskerskolen for Livslang Læring, Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning, Roskilde Universitet. Subjects Administration Care Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Communication Cooperation Denmark Dialogue Didactics Documentation Economy Ethnographic study Evaluation Implementation Interaction Kindergarten Management Manager Organisation Play Policy Professionalisation Qualitative study Wellbeing Title Skjøre samspill. En deskriptiv og fortolkende studie av barn med dyp utviklingshemming og deres nærpersoner i barnehage og skole. Purpose Research focus of the study is to describe as pedagogical practice, dyadic interaction between severely mentally disabled children and their close carers at kindergarten and… Year 2009 Author Gjermestad, A. Source Stavanger: Det humanistiske fakultet, Universitetet i Stavanger. Subjects Care Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Hermeneutic study Interaction Kindergarten Mental disability Norway Phenomenological study Physical disability Qualitative study Title Från små människor till lärande individer: Föreställningar om barn och barndom i förskoleprogram 1970-2000. Purpose This study is part of the project entitled “The Welfare State, media and modernisation”. The main objective of this study is to apply media and childhood perspectives to… Year 2006 Author Lindgren, A.-L. Source Lund: Arkiv. Subjects Action-based research Care Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Curriculum History Inclusion Kindergarten Learning process Organisation Participation Play Qualitative study Sweden Transitions to school Title Lek och skolämnen i en ny lärarroll: Temaarbete med 3-9-åringar: En aktionsforskningsstudie. Purpose The objective of this study is to describe and assess an age-and-theme-integrated institution for children between 3 and 9 years old. The institution is theme-oriented so that… Year 2006 Author Rosenqvist, M. M. Source Stockholm: Norstedts akademiska förlag. Subjects Action-based research Care Child Child carer/educaters Curriculum Kindergarten Learning process Mixed-method Play Sweden Title ”Children’s meaning making of nature in an outdoor-oriented and democratic Swedish preschool practice”. Purpose Swedish preschools have two types of approach; a democratic approach and an outdoor-oriented approach. The democratic approach is to ensure that children have the freedom and… Year 2014 Authors Klaar, S. Öhman, J. Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22(2), 229-253. Subjects Care Case study Child Democracy Ethnographic study Learning process Natural Science Nursery Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Play Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Values Wellbeing Title Förskolans pædagogiska praktik: ett verksamhetsperspektiv. Purpose This study examines how a work team at daycare centres is designed and implemented in the educational practice and how working conditions affect this process. It examines what… Year 2007 Author Ekström, K. Source Umeå: Fakulteten för lärarutbildning, Umeå Universitet, Fakulteten för lärarutbildning. Subjects Care Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation Document study Ethnographic study Kindergarten Nursery Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Omsorgsbegreppet och bilden av barnet. Purpose This study focuses on the concept of care and the understanding of what it means to be a child. The study relates to how the concept of care relates to theories about children… Year 2007 Author Halldén, G. Source I: Halldén, G. Den moderna barndomen och barns vardagsliv (S. 60-80). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Document study Kindergarten Learning process Nursery Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Når barnehagepersonalet melder bekymring til barnevernet”. Purpose This study examines cases in the Norwegian "barnevernet" (child welfare service) with the object of identifying special conditions in cases reported by daycare centres… Year 2013 Author Nilsen, A.C.E. Source I: Marthinsen E. & Lichtwarck W.; Det Nye Barnevernet: fase I – en antologi. Oslo: Universitetsforlag. Subjects Care Cooperation Cross-disciplinary collaboration Cross-sectional study Dialogue Health Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Norway Reporting Wellbeing Title Barns plats och platser för barn. Purpose This study examines early childhood education and care as a 'place' where care is of great importance for the development of human relations. The term ‘place’ is used as an… Year 2007 Author Halldén, G. Source I: Halldén, G.: Den moderna barndomen och barns vardagsliv (S. 81-96). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. Subjects Care Child Document study Interaction Kindergarten Nursery Physical Environment Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 12 Next 10 items