Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 228 items. Filters: Organisation Title "Men så kan man ju också tänka!". Pedagogisk dokumentation som förändringsverktyg i förskolan. Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the correlation between pedagogical documentation and learning and change at daycare centres (förskola) in Sweden at daycare centres… Year 2013 Author Alnervik, K. Source Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping. Subjects Child carer/educaters Document study Documentation Evaluation Organisation Qualitative study Special pedagogical approaches Sweden Title Evaluering af modulordning i Fredericia Kommune. Purpose The objective of this study is to evaluate the module scheme in the municipality of Fredericia. Since 1989, parents in the municipality have been able to choose between four… Year 2006 Author Gundelach, S; Sørensen Source Fredericia: UdviklingsForum Fredericia Kommune. Subjects Administration Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Evaluation Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Time Title ”Barnepass fram til 18 måneder: Sammenhenger mellom barnepass fram til 18 måneder og språklige ferdigheter og psykisk fungering ved 5 år”. Purpose The purpose of this study is divided in two, and the study has a descriptive as well as an exploratory aim. The authors want to describe the use of daycare schemes in Norway as… Year 2011 Authors Schjølberg, S. Lekhal, R. Vartun, M. Helland, S.S. Mathiesen, K.S. Source Oslo: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt. ISBN 978-82-8082-470-7 Subjects Child Cognitive competence Cohort study Kindergarten Labour market Language Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Organisation Quantitative study Time Title Förskolepedagogikens framväxt: Pedagogisk förändring och dess förutsättningar, ca 1835-1945. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the profound pedagogical change processes in the Swedish history of early childhood education and care. In order to examine… Year 2008 Author Westberg, J. Source Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Subjects Childhood vision Curriculum Document study History Kindergarten Nursery Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Fokus på sprog - daginstitutioners indsatser for treårige. Purpose The purpose of this assessment is to elucidate how the daycare centres plan, organise and handle the task of language assessment and conduct follow-up language interventions… Year 2010 Author København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. ISBN 978-87-7958-576-8 Subjects Child carer/educaters Cooperation with parents Denmark Documentation Evaluation Kindergarten Language Organisation Policy Qualitative study Screening instrument Title ”Barnehageorganisasjonen – autonomi eller standardisering?”. Purpose The overall goal of this article is to examine to what extent Norwegian daycare centres have been formalised and made subject to routine. The study examines to what extent… Year 2011 Author Børhaug, K. Source Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis, 5(2), 49-66. Subjects Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Kindergarten Manager Norway Organisation Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Values Title Førskolelærere om barns oppholdstid i barnehagen. Purpose The objective of this study is to examine social pedagogues’ understanding of children’s time at daycare centres and what consequences these understandings have for parents and… Year 2009 Author Johansen, B. Source Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2(3), S. 99-113. Subjects Attitude study Care Child carer/educaters History Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Time Values Title Pædagogiske konsulenter på daginstitutionsområdet i fokus: En undersøgelse af aktuelle udfordringer og nogle bud på centrale udviklingsperspektiver mht. fremtidige opgaver og rammebetingelser. Purpose The objective of this study is to examine and gain more knowledge about the complexity of, and areas of conflict in, the work of pedagogical consultants. The study also adds… Year 2006 Author Reeh, J.; Lieknins, F. Source København: FOA – Fag og Arbejde. Subjects Administration Cross-sectional study Denmark Implementation Labour market Mixed-method Organisation Title Kartlegging av hendelser og ulykker som medfører skade på barn i barnehage. Purpose The purpose of this study is to map the scope of accidents and injuries in Norwegian daycare centres (barnehagen) in the calendar year 2012. The study maps the degree of… Year 2013 Authors Sandseter, E.B. Sando, O.J. Pareliussen, I. Egset, C.K. Source Trondheim: Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for Barnehagelærerutdanning (DMMH) Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Indoor activity Kindergarten Mapping Mixed-method Norway Organisation Outdoor activity Play Title ”Frivilligt engagement – kun hvis lederen magter det: En analyse af daginstitutionslederens betydning for et frivilligt engagement i de selvejende daginstitutioner”. Purpose This study examines the extent to which the Netværksledelse i selvejende daginstitutioner (network management in independent daycare centres) pilot project has resulted in a… Year 2014 Authors Hjerrild, C.M. Højlund, H. Source Arbejdspapir, CBS, januar 2014. Subjects Administration Child Cooperation Cooperation with parents Cross-disciplinary collaboration Denmark Document study Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Management Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Professionalisation Qualitative study Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 23 Next 10 items