Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 38 items. Filters: Cross-disciplinary collaboration Title Implementing toddler interventions at scale: The case of “We learn together. Purpose The purpose of the study is to expand and test the intervention We Learn Together in kindergarten, where the goal is to prepare kindergarten children for school. The… Year 2021 Author Bleses, D., Jensen, P., Højen, A., Slot, P., Justice, L. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Denmark Goal-directed activities Implementation Intervention Kindergarten Language Mathematics Nursery Quantitative study RCT study Transitions to school Title Participatory Professional Development and Preschool Quality: Evidence from a Mixed-methods Study. Purpose The study evaluates a professional development programme in which researchers, kindergarten teachers and assistants collaborated to improve the interaction between adults and… Year 2021 Author Dietrichson, J., Ringsmose, C., Christoffersen, M., Svinth, L. Subjects Assistant Case study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Denmark Emotional Competence Intervention Kindergarten Language Mixed-method Nursery Pedagogical staff Professionalisation RCT study Reading Skilled worker Social Competence Title An Unclear Task? The Perspectives of Swedish Preschool and Special Needs Teachers on their Role in Assessing and Documenting Child Development. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten teachers and special needs teachers in Sweden perceive their own role and each other's role in kindergarten documentation and assessment… Year 2021 Author Erlandsson, M., Gustavsson, C., Karlsudd, P. I. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Yrkesgruppers anspråk på arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd: En studie av jurisdiktion, arbetsfördelning och professionellt arbete i förskolan. Purpose The study investigates how the division of labour between kindergarten teachers and special needs teachers is described with regard to children who need special support. More… Year 2021 Author Gäreskog, P. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Att borga för likvärdighet?: Kommunala tjänstemäns iscensättande av en ny läroplan för förskolan. Purpose The study investigates how municipal employees in collaboration with the kindergarten coordinators in a Swedish municipality implement a new curriculum for kindergartens. The… Year 2021 Author Sundström, J., Hjelmér, C., Rantala, A. Subjects Administration Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Curriculum Ethnographic study Implementation Management Manager Qualitative study Sweden Title Flerstämmig undervisning i förskola: Flerstämmig didaktisk modellering. Purpose The report presents the research component of the Multivocal teaching in preschools (Fundif) research and development programme, which aims to describe and further develop… Year 2021 Author Vallberg Roth, A. C., Aasa, S., Ekberg, J. E., Holmberg, Y., Sjöström, J., Stensson, C. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cross-disciplinary collaboration Didactics Learning process Management Manager Observational Studies Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Konstruktionen av det avvikande förskolebarnet: En kritisk fallstudie angående utvecklingsbedömningar av yngre barn. Purpose The objective of this dissertation is to describe and explore the conditions on which diagnoses of children are based. The dissertation analyses the organisational processes… Year 2006 Author Lutz, K. Source Malmö: Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen. Subjects Autism Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Cross-disciplinary collaboration Discourse analysis Document study Ethnographic study History Policy Qualitative study Screening instrument Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title “The Policy for Impementation Challenges of Individual Plans for Preschool Children with Disabilities”. Purpose This article is part of a project that focuses on collaborative groups for children with special needs attending daycare centres. The goal is to generate knowledge about how… Year 2011 Authors Cameron, D.L. Tveit, A.D. Source International Journal of Parents in Education, (5)1, 12-23. Subjects Administration Case study Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cooperation with parents Cross-disciplinary collaboration Curriculum Equality Inclusion Kindergarten Norway Parent/guardian Policy Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Title ”Frivilligt engagement – kun hvis lederen magter det: En analyse af daginstitutionslederens betydning for et frivilligt engagement i de selvejende daginstitutioner”. Purpose This study examines the extent to which the Netværksledelse i selvejende daginstitutioner (network management in independent daycare centres) pilot project has resulted in a… Year 2014 Authors Hjerrild, C.M. Højlund, H. Source Arbejdspapir, CBS, januar 2014. Subjects Administration Child Cooperation Cooperation with parents Cross-disciplinary collaboration Denmark Document study Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Management Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Professionalisation Qualitative study Title Evaluering av 2-årskontakten i barnehagene i Hamar kommune. Purpose This study is an evaluation of the Norwegian municipality of Hamar's pilot scheme to transfer health checks for two-year-olds from health centres to kindergartens. The… Year 2008 Author Schanke, T.; Andersen, T. Source Lillehammer: Østlandsforskning. Subjects Cooperation Cross-disciplinary collaboration Document study Evaluation Health Kindergarten Norway Nursery Organisation Qualitative study The physical aspect Wellbeing 1 2 3 4 Next 10 items