Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 27 items. Filters: Group size Title Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: findings from employees in child care centers. Purpose The study investigates the relationship between workload and absence due to illness among employees in Norwegian kindergartens, as well as how this correlation varies between… Year 2021 Author Drange, N., Gunnes, T., Telle, K. Subjects Child carer/educaters Group size Norway Organisation Pedagogical assistant Quantitative study Skilled worker Title When Anger Arises in the Interaction with Children in kindergartens –The staff’s reactions to children’s resistance. Purpose The study explores emotions that can arise when kindergarten staff interact with the children. The aim is to shed light on the staff's view of situations where they experience… Year 2021 Author Skoglund, R. I., Åmot, I. Subjects Assistant Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Ethnographic study Group size Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Learning process Norway Nursery Organisation Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Professionalisation Qualitative study Skilled worker Time Title ”Daginstitutionens betydning for børns udvikling – en forskningsoversigt”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine and describe Danish and international research results that elucidate how attending daycare can impact a child in the short and long… Year 2014 Authors Christoffersen, M.N. Højen-Sørensen, A. Laugesen, L. Source København: SFI – Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd, 14:23. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Group size Interaction Kindergarten Labour market Learning process Mixed-method Norway Nursery OECD-country Organisation Pedagogical assistant Sweden Systematic review/mapping Wellbeing Title Swedish preschool teachers’ ideas of the ideal preschool group Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine preschool teachers' perception of the ideal number of children in a group (child-group size) in preschool. Year 2016 Author Samuelsson, I. P., Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Hellman, A. Source Journal of Early Childhood Research 14(4), 444–460. ISBN 27434592 Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Group size Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Sweden Title What Are the Characteristics of Nature Preschools in Norway, and How Do They Organize Their Daily Activities? Purpose The purpose of this study is gather basic information about how Norwegian nature preschools differ from other Norwegian preschools and how they organise their daily activities.… Year 2017 Author Lysklett, O. B., & Berger, H. W. Source Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 17(2), 95-107. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Group size Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Title «Ei linerle vet at hun er ei linerle» – En kvalitativ studie av små barns «well-being» i barnehagen Purpose The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about the well-being of children under the age of 3 years in Norwegian ECEC centres (barnehager). The study focuses… Year 2017 Author Eide, B. J., Winger, N., Wolf, K. D., & Dahle, H. F. Source Barn, 2017 (1), 23-40. Subjects Care Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Group size Interaction Interpersonal relation Manager Norway Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Physical Environment Qualitative study Well-being Wellbeing Title “Group size and organisational conditions for children’s learning in preschool: a teacher perspective”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the organisational premises for child learning at Swedish preschools, from a teacher perspective, in relation to group size and… Year 2014 Authors Sheridan, S. Williams, P. Samuelsson, I. Source Educational Research, 56(4), 379-397. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Curriculum Ethnographic study Group size Kindergarten Learning process Nursery Organisation Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Sweden Time Title Stora barngrupper i förskolan relaterat till läroplanens intentioner. Purpose This study examines, on the basis of the size of the child group, which areas of the Swedish Curriculum for the Preschool preschool teachers prioritise and why. The study… Year 2015 Authors Samuelsson, I.P. Williams, P. Sheridan, S. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 9(7), 1-14. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Curriculum Group size Kindergarten Nursery Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Rett til en barnehageplass – med krav til god kvalitet? En evaluering av Ski kommunes helhetlige strategi for full barnehagedekning. Purpose Ski municipality has developed a holistic strategy for full coverage in kindergartens where quantity, quality and cost effectiveness are key principles. The new strategy… Year 2008 Author Pettersvold, M.; Aagre, W. Source Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold, Avdeling for lærerutdanning. Subjects Administration Attitude study Child carer/educaters Document study Evaluation Group size Kindergarten Manager Norway Nursery Organisation Policy Qualitative study Title ”Pre-school teachers’, other professionals’, and parental concerns on cooperation in pre-school: All around children in need of special support: The Swedish perspective”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the experiences of parents, child carers and other professionals working together in relation to children who require… Year 2010 Author Sandberg, A. og Ottosson Source International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(8), 741-754. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cooperation with parents Group size Kindergarten Mental disability Parent/guardian Qualitative study Sweden Time 1 2 3 Next 10 items