Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 74 items. Filters: Motory activity Title Characteristics of staff-child interaction in 1-3-year-olds' risky play in early childhood education and care Purpose The study investigates whether the concept of scaffolding can be used to describe staff-child interaction patterns in 1-3-year-olds’ risky play in kindergarten. The purpose of… Year 2018 Author Kleppe, R. Source Early Child Development and Care, 188(10):1487-1501. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Competence Design and layout of the physical environment Ethnographic study Health Management and organisation in ECEC Mixed-method Motory activity Norway Nursery Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Title Motor competence and physical fitness among children attending nature preschools and traditional preschools Purpose The purpose of the study is to compare motor skills and the physical fitness of children who attend different nature kindergartens with children who attend different… Year 2019 Author Lysklett O. B., Berg A., Moe B. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Cross-sectional study Design and layout of the physical environment Goal-directed activities Health Kindergarten Management and organisation in ECEC Motory activity Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Quantitative study Special pedagogical approaches The physical aspect Title Children’s physical activity level and sedentary behaviour in Norwegian early childhood education and care: effects of a staff-led cluster-randomised controlled trial Purpose The purpose of the article is to investigate the potential that staff-led interventions with guidance can have in increasing children’s physical activity and reducing sedentary… Year 2020 Author Andersen. E., Øvreås, S., Jørgensen, K. A., Jenssen, J. B., Moser, T. Subjects Child Health Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery Physical activity Quantitative study RCT study Title På sporet af en legende og multi-modal literacypraksis i vuggestuen Purpose The article describes and analyses how the method Play a Book (Leg en bog) contributes to toddlers’ acquisition of early literacy skills. The Play a Book methodology focuses on… Year 2020 Author Basse, L. Subjects Books Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Concept of formative development/education Denmark Didactics Drama Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Language Motory activity Nursery Observational Studies Participation Play Qualitative study Reading aloud Title Preschool environment and preschool teacher’s physical activity and their association with children’s activity levels at preschool Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate relationships between kindergarten playgrounds, health authority recommendations on daily physical activity, time spent on outdoor… Year 2020 Author Chen, C., Ahlqvist, V. H., Henriksson, P., Magnusson, C. & Berglind, D. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Goal-directed activities Indoor activity Kindergarten Manager Motory activity Nursery Observational Studies Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Quantitative study Special pedagogical approaches Sweden Title A swing and a child: how scientific phenomena can come to matter for preschool children’s emergent science identities” Purpose The study investigates how the understanding of physical phenomena is affected by children’s interaction with objects and physical laws associated with the object. The study… Year 2020 Author Günther-Hanssen, A. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Cognitive competence Competence Didactics Ethnographic study Gender Identity Kindergarten Learning process Motory activity Natural Science Observational Studies Outdoor activity Physical activity Play Qualitative study Sweden Title Physical Work Demands of Childcare Workers in Denmark: Device-Based Measurements and Workplace Observations Among 199 Childcare Workers from 16 Day Nurseries Purpose The study investigates the physical workload among employees in Danish toddler departments (children 0–3 years old). Year 2020 Author Holtermann, A., Hendriksen, P. F., Schmidt, K. G., Svendsen, M. J. & Rasmussen, C. D. N. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Denmark Health Kindergarten Mixed-method Motory activity Nursery Observational Studies Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Physical activity Skilled worker Title Physical activity level of kindergarten staff working with toddlers and older children in Norway Purpose The study investigates the extent to which kindergarten employees in Norway meet the public health recommendations for daily activity levels (minimum 150 minutes moderate to… Year 2020 Author Kippe, K. & Lagestad, P. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Health Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Physical activity Quantitative study Skilled worker Title Professionals’ experiences of using an improvement programme: applying quality improvement work in preschool contexts Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten employees experience a Breakthrough Series Collaborative Improvement Programme aimed at improving the outdoor areas of kindergartens. Year 2020 Author Kjellström, S., Andersson, A.-C. & Samuelsson, T. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Child carer/educaters Further and continuing training Kindergarten Learning process Longitudinal study Management Manager Mixed-method Motory activity Nursery Outdoor activity Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Physical Environment Physical activity Professionalisation Skilled worker Sweden Title Innendørs risikofylt lek: Muligheter for spenning og variasjon i barnehagens lekemiljøer? Purpose The study investigates various aspects of risky play in indoor kindergarten environments. The research questions are: 1) What kind of risky play takes place in indoor… Year 2020 Author Kleppe, R., Sando, O. J. & Hansen, E. B. S. Subjects Action-based research Child Health Indoor activity Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery Observational Studies Physical Environment Physical activity Play Quantitative study Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next 10 items