Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 29 items. Filters: Screening instrument Title Preschool practices in Sweden, Portugal, and the United States. Purpose The study investigates the relevance and reliability of the two observational tools The Teacher Observation in Preschool and the Child Observation in Preschool in and across… Year 2021 Author Coelho, V., Åström, F., Nesbitt, K., Sjöman, M., Farran, D., Björck-Åkesson, E., Christopher, C., Granlund, M., Almqvist, L., Grande, C., Pinto, A. I. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Nursery OECD-country Observational Studies Quantitative study Screening instrument Sweden Title Kindergarten allocation in Norway: An integer programming approach. Purpose The study presents two new mathematical models that will contribute to making the allocation of kindergarten places more efficient and equitable with regard to the child's age,… Year 2021 Author Geitle, A. H., Johnsen, Ø. K., Ruud, H. F. E., Fagerholt, K., Julsvoll, C. A. Subjects Administration Case study Implementation Inclusion Manager Norway Quantitative study Screening instrument Title Estimating measurement error in child language assessments administered by daycare educators in large scale intervention studies. Purpose The study investigates how much margin of error kindergarten teachers get when they administer a test of language and pre-reading skills in children aged three to five years… Year 2021 Author Haghish, E. F., Vach, W., Højen, A., Bleses, D. Subjects Assessment Child carer/educaters Denmark Kindergarten Language Nursery Quantitative study RCT study Reading Screening instrument Title TRAS: Validity and sensitivity of a language assessment tool for children with ASD. Purpose The study investigates the potential usefulness of the Norwegian assessment tool TRAS - Early Detection of Language Development - for assessing the language skills of… Year 2021 Author Hansén‐Larson, J., Bejnö, H., Jägerskogh, E., Eikeseth, S., Klintwall, L. Subjects Assessment Autism Child Kindergarten Language Nursery Observational Studies Quantitative study Screening instrument Sweden Title Kindergarten screening tools filled out by parents and teachers targeting dyslexia. Predictions and developmental trajectories from age 5 to age 15 years. Purpose The study investigates how close caregivers can contribute to early identification of dyslexia in pre-school children. The objective of the study was twofold: The first… Year 2021 Author Helland, T., Morken, F., Helland, W. A. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Intervention Kindergarten Longitudinal study Norway Parent/guardian Quantitative study Reading Screening instrument Writing Title Teachers' Perspectives on Strength-Based and Deficit-Based Instruments for Assessing Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood. Purpose The study compares kindergarten staff's perspectives on three tools for assessing children's emotions and social skills: Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF), Strengths and… Year 2021 Author Sjö, N. M., Kiil, A., Jensen, P. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Emotional Competence Evaluation Kindergarten Nursery Quantitative study Screening instrument Social Competence Title Konstruktionen av det avvikande förskolebarnet: En kritisk fallstudie angående utvecklingsbedömningar av yngre barn. Purpose The objective of this dissertation is to describe and explore the conditions on which diagnoses of children are based. The dissertation analyses the organisational processes… Year 2006 Author Lutz, K. Source Malmö: Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen. Subjects Autism Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Cross-disciplinary collaboration Discourse analysis Document study Ethnographic study History Policy Qualitative study Screening instrument Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Socialt udsatte børn i dagtilbud – indsats og effekt. Sammenfattende rapport. Purpose This report describes the nature and scope of measures targeted at vulnerable children at daycare centres, and investigates the design and impacts of these measures and methods… Year 2009 Author Mehlbye, J. et al. Source København: Indenrigs- og Socialministeriet, Anvendt Kommunal Forskning. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Denmark Document study Emotional Competence Inequality Kindergarten Language Mixed-method Nursery Parent/guardian Policy Screening instrument Social Competence Social exposure Title Fokus på sprog - daginstitutioners indsatser for treårige. Purpose The purpose of this assessment is to elucidate how the daycare centres plan, organise and handle the task of language assessment and conduct follow-up language interventions… Year 2010 Author København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. ISBN 978-87-7958-576-8 Subjects Child carer/educaters Cooperation with parents Denmark Documentation Evaluation Kindergarten Language Organisation Policy Qualitative study Screening instrument Title Sprogtest – når ord får betydning?: Analyser af hvilke samspil der opstår mellem standardisering af sprogtest til treårige børn og pædagogisk praksis. Purpose This PhD dissertation is designed as a monograph that examines language tests of Danish children at daycare centres. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyse the… Year 2014 Author Schmidt, L.S.K. Source Ph.d.-afhandling, Københavns Universitet. Subjects Denmark Dialogue Documentation Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Qualitative study Screening instrument 1 2 3 Next 10 items