Hvordan oplever pædagoger professionel egenomsorg i institutionslivet? En eksplorativ undersøgelse af, hvordan Professionel Egenomsorg viser sig i pædagogers arbejde i dagtilbud

Petersen, F. F.


The study investigates how kindergarten teachers experience professional self-care, and how this self-care has an impact on their everyday practice.


The results show that personal self-care manifested itself in the participants as a conscious intention to direct their attention towards themselves through sensing their own body (for example through breathing techniques) or towards something external. This was done to interrupt stressful situations and establish a space for oneself and thus change the state of mind and the experience of pace and time. The kindergarten teachers described how self-care changed their attitudes in their encounters with the world so that they could be more caring with children and colleagues.


24 kindergarten teachers who participated in a course on personal self-care were interviewed individually and in groups. In addition, the data material consists of the participants’ notes from the course. The collected data material was analysed using a phenomenological-inspired analysis.


Petersen, F. F. (2020). «Hvordan oplever pædagoger professionel egenomsorg i institutionslivet? En eksplorativ undersøgelse af, hvordan Professionel Egenomsorg viser sig i pædagogers arbejde i dagtilbud». Psyke & Logos, 41(1):177-194.