The study explores ‘maker’ mindsets among kindergarten teachers. ‘Maker’ is about practical and creative learning, often involving technology. The study looked at how this approach can strengthen children's digital skills in kindergarten.
The research questions are:
- What is involved in becoming a ‘maker’ educator in early childhood education?
- What opportunities and challenges do ‘maker’ educators face?
- How can municipal ‘maker’ spaces support the practices of ‘maker’ educators?
The results show that using the ‘maker’ method places great demands on the kindergarten teacher. In this transition, they must acquire new knowledge and work closely with colleagues and children. Challenges may arise when this method meets traditional routines in kindergartens, especially if set activities do not fit with a more child-led approach. The study sheds light on how creative learning methods and new skills shape how educators prepare for the technology of the future.
The data material consists of observations of nine kindergarten teachers who participated in ten workshops to become ‘maker’ educators. The study concentrates on the kindergarten teachers' experiences and practice from two of these workshops. The researchers followed the training over a period of fifteen months. In addition, they analysed sixteen blog posts in which the kindergarten teachers reflected on their practice.
Sydow,S. L., Åkerfeldt, A., & Falk, P. (2021). "Becoming a maker pedagogue: Exploring practices of making and developing a maker mindset for preschools". I FabLearn Europe/MakeEd 2021-An International Conference on Computing, Design and Making in Education (s. 1-10).