Virkningsfulde tiltag i dagtilbud: Et systematisk review af reviews.

Nielsen, T.K.
Tiftikci, N.
Larsen, M.S.
København: Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning, Aarhus Universitet.


The purpose of this study is to examine which pedagogical initiatives for children aged 0-6 years are effective in work on children's learning, development and well-being. The study is a mapping and it is based on previous systematic research mapping on effective initiatives at daycare facilities.


By reviewing existing systematic reviews from Denmark, the US, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, respectively, the study identifies effective initiatives in the daycare area within ten topics: the relationship between the early childhood educator and the child, relationships between children, learning environment, ICT, language and reading, mathematics and nature, health and movement, cooperation with parents, external cooperation as well as cross-disciplinary daycare interventions (i.e. interventions aimed at the child, the parents and the early childhood educators). Results are extracted for each topic, and these results are written as bullet points so that they are easy to use in practice. The studies included are primarily based on research from countries outside Denmark, and this can restrict how the results of the reviews can be used in a Danish context.


The data material is based on existing systematic reviews from 2000 and onwards about initiatives in daycare. Daycare facilities are defined as pedagogical facilities for children aged 0 years and up to school age. The studies had to meet the following criteria: systematic review, examine the effects of pedagogical initiatives at daycare facilities for children aged 0-6 years, region (Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) and year of publication. The systematic reviews were found in various research databases within psychology and pedagogy as well as by manual searches of the websites of six evidence-based organisations. The reviews were then screened in a reference screening and a subsequent full-text screening resulting in a final volume of 25 reviews which all met the criteria. The subsequent analysis of the results of the reviews was conducted as a narrative synthesis.


Nielsen, T.K., Tiftikci, N. & Larsen, M.S. (2013). Virkningsfulde tiltag i dagtilbud: Et systematisk review af reviews. København: Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Financed by

Local Government Denmark