Menn i barnehagen: muligheter og begrensninger. Finmark: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for pedagogiske og humanistiske fag.

Hansen, J.


The purpose of this study is to contribute to the theoretical discussion of gender and masculinity, specifically in relation to men working in female occupations. In addition, the study contributes to the development of initiatives aimed at recruiting men and at increasing male job satisfaction.


The study suggests that the verbal culture in daycare centres is tied to a traditional gender construction. Masculinity is associated with men and femininity is associated with women. This construction makes it difficult for men to choose to work at daycare centres and to remain in the job. One solution could be to emphasise the professional aspect of a job at daycare centres rather than emphasising the caring aspect.


The study is an ethnographic attitude survey. The study is based on data collected from 28 students from teacher training college and from 16 men working at two different daycare centres.


Hansen, J. (2007). Menn i barnehagen: muligheter og begrensninger. Finmark: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for pedagogiske og humanistiske fag.

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