Evaluering af loven om pædagogiske læreplaner: Slutevaluering.

Sloth, M.; NIRAS Konsulenterne A/;, Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut; UdviklingsForum I/S; AKF.
København: Niras, AKF, Udviklingsforum, EVA.


The study is an evaluation of the implementation of the Act on teaching framework in daycare centres, with focus on three themes: the municipal framework for working with teaching framework, daycare centres’ work with teaching framework, including documentation and evaluation, as well as the impacts of work with teaching framework.


Daycare centres’ work with pedagogical teaching framework is regarded as a professional success. 98% of the staff state that the pedagogical teaching framework has increased their professional awareness, and 60% of daycare centres and 80-85% of the private care facilities have implemented new methods and activities. 93% of the kindergartens and 57% of the private care facilities have drawn up a written plan for the implementation of pedagogical teaching framework. 88% of the municipal administrations find that working with pedagogical teaching framework has provided more transparency. 87-98% of those polled in the municipal administration and 87-94% of daycare centre managers assess that the pedagogical teaching framework has had a positive impact on the learning and well-being of the children. The pedagogical teaching framework has supported the cooperation between daycare centres, the administration and the political level to a lesser degree. Marginalised children have not received special attention in the work on pedagogical teaching framework. The documentation and evaluation work was highly diversified and was interpreted differently at the daycare centres. 50% of the municipalities have not evaluated daycare centres on the basis of pedagogical teaching framework. 50% of the daycare centre managers assess that the resources used do not match the benefits. Time was reported as a significant limitation - and it is considered a problem that time spent on documentation and evaluation is taken away from the time that would otherwise be spent looking after the children. The simultaneous municipal reform and the ensuing municipal mergers also obstructed the implementation of the work on pedagogical teaching framework.


The study has been conducted using a design that includes several elements: stakeholders’ attitudes/
opinions, an ethnographic approach and case studies.
The study consists of a quantitative part and a qualitative part. Informants in the quantitative part of the study are administrative managers in the municipal daycare administration, daycare centre managers, managers of private daycare as well as parent representatives at daycare centres and parent representatives for private daycare. The qualitative part consists of interviews with politicians, the administration and pedagogical managers in seven municipalities. Furthermore, field observation notes were made in 19 daycare centres combined with interviews with managers, staff, parent representatives and pre-school teachers, and locally drafted documentation was collected.


Sloth, M.; NIRAS Konsulenterne A/S; Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut; UdviklingsForum I/S; AKF (2008). Evaluering af loven om pædagogiske læreplaner: Slutevaluering. København: Niras, AKF, Udviklingsforum, EVA.

Financed by

The Danish Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs.