”Den flerkulturelle barnehagen i rurale områder. Nasjonal surveyundersøkelse om minoritetsspråklige barn i barnehager utenfor de store byene”.

Andersen, C.E.
Engen, T.O.
Gitz-Johansen, T.
Kristoffersen, C.S.
Obel, L.S.
Sand, S.
Zachrisen, B.
Elverum: Høgskolen i Hedmark.Andersen, C.E. & Sand, S. (2011). ”The Multicultural Kindergarten in rural areas in Norway – a good place for learning and participation for all children?”. Journal of Teacher Education and Teachers’ Work, 2(1), 28-40.


The purpose of this study is to examine what characterises multicultural daycare centres in rural areas.


The results show that most daycare centres  in the study do not embrace and stimulate the cultural  and linguistic diversity in accordance with the intentions in the national framework plan. Furthermore the results show that only few  professionals  at daycare centres have the relevant formal qualifications regarding language, culture and religious differences. Such qualifications would strengthen work in multicultural frameworks.


The empirical material in the study comprises questionnaires filled out by 813 managers at daycare centres. The questionnaires include questions regarding the managements’ different ways of working with children  and families with another language and  cultural background than Norwegian . The statistics software program SPSS was used to analyse the material.


Andersen, C.E., Engen, T.O., Gitz-Johansen, T., Kristoffersen, C.S., Obel, L.S., Sand, S. & Zachrisen, B. (2011). ”Den flerkulturelle barnehagen i rurale områder. Nasjonal surveyundersøkelse om minoritetsspråklige barn i barnehager utenfor de store byene”. Elverum: Høgskolen i Hedmark. Andersen, C.E. & Sand, S. (2011). ”The Multicultural Kindergarten in rural areas in Norway – a good place for learning and participation for all children?”. Journal of Teacher Education and Teachers’ Work, 2(1), 28-40.

Financed by

The Research Council of Norway