Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 296 items. Filters: Interaction Title Det er berre sånt som vi gjer på dyr. Vi gjer det ikkje på menneske” - Interaksjon og forhandling om eksistensielle spørsmål i barnehagen Purpose The article investigates how existential questions are expressed and are met in unplanned everyday situations in Norwegian kindergartens. The investigation is based on the… Year 2018 Author Fauske R. Subjects Child Child perspectives Communication Concept of formative development/education Dialogue Emotional Competence Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Participation Qualitative study Skilled worker Social Competence Values Title Med blicken på möten: Martin Bubers pedagogiska idé i dialog med förskolans praktik Purpose The purpose of the thesis is to develop in-depth knowledge about, and an empirically based understanding of, meetings between children and kindergarten teachers in… Year 2019 Author Fredriksson, M. Subjects Care Child Child carer/educaters Communication Dialogue Didactics Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Nursery Observational Studies Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Sweden Title The relationship between structural factors and interaction quality in Norwegian ECEC for toddlers Purpose The study investigates the relationship between the two structural factors of quality: organisational form (stable groups versus flexible groups) and staff–child ratio, in… Year 2018 Author Løkken, I. M., Bjørnestad, E., Broekhuizen, M. L., Moser, T. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Attachment Care Child Child carer/educaters Children's social relationships Cross-sectional study Group size Interaction Interpersonal relation Management and organisation in ECEC Mixed-method Norway Nursery Observational Studies Organisation Pedagogical staff Skilled worker Title Interaction Quality and Children’s Social-Emotional Competence in Norwegian ECEC Purpose The study investigates the relationship between the interaction quality in Norwegian toddler departments when the children are three years old and the children’s social and… Year 2018 Author Løkken, I. M., Broekhuizen, M. L., Barnes, J., Moser, T., Bjørnestad, E. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Attachment Child Children's skills development Children's social relationships Communication Competence Cross-sectional study Emotional Competence Interaction Kindergarten Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Observational Studies Quantitative study Social Competence Title Barns erfaringer rundt mening og sammenheng i barnehagehverdagen. En analyse av tematisk innhold i samspillet mellom barn og barnehagelærer Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate how children and kindergarten teachers interact around themes in everyday life that may have an impact on children’s experiences of… Year 2020 Author Bergem, H. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Communication Dialogue Interaction Kindergarten Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Observational Studies Qualitative study Social Competence Wellbeing Title Sang som performativ for samspill i småbarnspedagogisk praksis Purpose The thesis investigates the interplay that occurs between the youngest children and teachers in kindergarten when they sing together. The research question is: What are the… Year 2020 Author Bjørkøy, I. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Didactics Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Music Norway Nursery Observational Studies Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Title Interaction Quality in Norwegian ECEC for Toddlers measured with the Caregiver Interaction Profile (CIP) Scales Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate the quality of interactions between children under the age of three and their caregivers in kindergarten. The study has a special… Year 2020 Author Bjørnestad, E., Broekhuizen, M. L., Os, E., Baustad, A. G. Subjects Attachment Care Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Interaction Kindergarten Norway Nursery Observational Studies Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Quantitative study Skilled worker Title Low-cost teacher implemented intervention improves toddler’s language and math skills Purpose The authors of the article investigate how to increase the quality of kindergartens by means of a low-cost intervention (‘Play and Learn’) over the course of 20 weeks. The… Year 2020 Author Bleses, D., Jensen, P., Slot, P. & Justice, L. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Competence Denmark Didactics Ethnicity Inequality Interaction Intervention Kindergarten Language Mathematics Nursery Observational Studies Quantitative study RCT study Social inheritance Title Fleeting moments: young children’s negotiations of belonging and togetherness Purpose The study investigates how young children’s need for belonging and unity can be understood through their negotiations to join, and feel a connection to, groups of peer… Year 2020 Author Boldermo, S. Subjects Case study Child Ethnicity Inclusion Interaction Interpersonal relation Norway Nursery Observational Studies Qualitative study Socialisation Title Young children's play: a matter of advanced strategies among peers Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten children negotiate participation in play. The study focuses on how children build relationships, negotiate rights and exclude and… Year 2020 Author Cederborg, A.-C. Subjects Case study Child Concept of formative development/education Emotional Competence Ethnographic study Friendship Inclusion Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Nursery Observational Studies Play Qualitative study Social Competence Socialisation Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ... 30 Next 10 items