The study investigates how young children’s need for belonging and unity can be understood through their negotiations to join, and feel a connection to, groups of peer children. The research question is: What characterises young children’s negotiations about belonging and unity in a diverse group of peer children in kindergarten?
The results show that two-year-olds’ everyday kindergarten life was influenced by group culture traits among the peer children. The culture was characterised by fleeting moments of care and sharing, shared experiences, and negotiations about mutual ties, hierarchies, and group boundaries. The results showed no differences along ethnic or cultural dividing lines when it came to the children’s negotiations regarding belonging and togetherness.
The data material is taken from participatory observations of twelve two-year-olds in a toddler department in a multicultural kindergarten in Norway. The researcher observed the children’s social interactions and relationships with peer children in everyday kindergarten activities. The data material also consists of field notes, illustrations and photographs, as well as the kindergarten’s annual plan.
Boldermo, S. (2020). “Fleeting moments: young children’s negotiations of belonging and togetherness”. International Journal of Early Years Education, 28(2):136-150.