Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 377 items. Filters: Learning process Title Skylta med kunskap: En studie av hur barn urskiljer grafiska symboler i hem och förskola. Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about children's understanding of graphic symbols (such as letters, numbers, traffic signs, maps and computer icons). More… Year 2013 Author Magnusson, M. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Didactics Ethnographic study Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Learning process Qualitative study Sweden Title Lek och läroplan: Möten mellan barn och lärare i förskola och skola. Purpose The objective of this study is to contribute knowledge on the relationship between play and learning, and to examine the significance of these for children, child carers and… Year 2006 Author Johansson, E.; Samuelsson I. P. Source Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Curriculum Ethnographic study Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Learning process Nursery Play Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Forståelser av gode overganger og opplevelse av sammenheng mellom barnehage, skole og skolefritidsordning”. Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine what preschool teachers, preschool class teachers, and managers of school-based leisure-time facilities in a Norwegian municipality… Year 2014 Authors Hogsnes, H.D. Moser, T. Source Tidsskrift for nordisk barnehageforskning, 7(6), 1-24. Subjects Attitude study Case study Child carer/educaters Communication Cooperation Dialogue Kindergarten Learning process Manager Mixed-method Norway Parent/guardian Physical Environment Play Transitions to school Title “The dramaturgy and didactics of computer gaming. A study of a medium in the educational context of kindergartens”. Purpose This study is a dissertation based on articles. The study examines the use of computer-based learning games at Norwegian kindergartens. The overall purpose is to generate… Year 2014 Author Vangsnes, V. Source Dissertation for the degree philosophiae doctor. Norway: University of Bergen. Subjects Case study Child Communication Didactics Digital tools Implementation Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Norway Qualitative study Title ”Ny i profesjonen. En observasjons- og intervjustudie av førskolelæreres videre kvalifisering det første året i yrket”. Purpose The purpose of this PhD dissertation is to examine how six newly qualified preschool teachers from six different preschools in Norway view their own skills and upgrading of… Year 2014 Author Eik, L.T. Source Doktoravhandlinger. Oslo: Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Subjects Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Cooperation with parents Didactics Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Professionalisation Qualitative study Title Mat i barnehagen: Barnehagen som arena for folkehelsearbeid. Purpose This study examines how participatory student learning (focusing on nutrition in the kindergarten) can contribute to the development of early childhood education and care. Year 2007 Author Wilhelmsen, B.U. Source Bergen: Høgskolen i Bergen. Subjects Action-based research Child Food and meals Kindergarten Learning process Mixed-method Norway Title Pedagogen, datorn och elevers informationssökning: perspektiv på IKT-användning i yngre skolbarns klassrum. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe students' ability to use IT at school. The study focuses on the expectations of librarians and teachers regarding IT as a learning tool… Year 2007 Author Tyrén, L. Source Borås: Institutionen för pedagogik, Högskolan i Borås. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Digitalisation Learning process Policy Qualitative study Sweden Title "Perspektiv på barndom och barns lärande: En kunskapsöversikt om lärande i förskolan och grundskolans tidigare år." & "Stödja och styra: Om bedömning av yngre barn. Purpose The purpose of the research review is to elucidate the Swedish research available from 1995 onwards on children's early learning at daycare centres, pre-school classes and in… Year 2010 Author Skolverket. Source Stockholm: Skolverket (2010). ISBN 978-91-86529-08-6 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Didactics Documentation Institutionalisation Kindergarten Learning process Mapping Nursery Qualitative study Reading Sweden Systematic review/mapping Time Title Att vara sex år och gå i förskoleklass. Purpose This study examines and describes how physical and social conditions materialise in integrated activities in a pre-school classroom. Year 2007 Author Thörner, A. Source Borås: Institutionen för pedagogik, Högskolan i Borås. Subjects Case study Child Learning process Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Sweden Title Samspill mellom barn og voksne ved måltidet. Muligheter for medlæring? Purpose The objective of this study is to examine children’s opportunities for (co-)learning in interaction situations during mealtimes at kindergartens. Year 2009 Author Bae, B. Source Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2(1), S.3-15. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Dialogue Ethnographic study Food and meals Indoor activity Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Norway Participation Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Previous 10 items 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 38 Next 10 items