Samspill mellom barn og voksne ved måltidet. Muligheter for medlæring?

Bae, B.
Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2(1), S.3-15.


The objective of this study is to examine children’s opportunities for (co-)learning in interaction situations during mealtimes at kindergartens.


The study finds that kindergarten children have good opportunities for co-learning in relation to four different areas, i.e. conversation and dialogue, practical cooperation, play and fun interaction as well as setting limits. Stories at mealtimes can help learning about how to manage diversity and how mutual dialogues take place. This applies for the children participating in the story, and for those who assume a listening-observing position. The researcher emphasises that it is important that child carers consider whether the rules many daycare centres have in relation to mealtimes should be reconsidered, as these could limit the children’s opportunities for interacting as well as the interaction between the children and the adults. The researcher also points out that a listening position also provides learning opportunities for the adults, who can achieve a direct insight into the skills of the children.


Participating observation and interviews in two kindergartens with focus on gaining insight into what learning opportunities children
have in the interaction around mealtimes at kindergartens. Different types of learning opportunities are described through analysis of examples. The study focuses exclusively on situations described as inclusive.


Bae, B. (2009). Samspill mellom barn og voksne ved måltidet. Muligheter for medlæring? Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2(1), S.3-15.

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Not stated. The article is based on data from previous field work carried out by the author.