Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 228 items. Filters: Organisation Title The Work Context and Mentoring: Do Job Characteristics Influence Mentoring Received? Purpose The study explores how different aspects of the day-to-day work of kindergarten employees affect the amount of guidance they receive at work. The purpose is to identify which… Year 2021 Author Waaland, T. Subjects Assistant Child carer/educaters Cooperation Cross-sectional study Learning process Management Manager Norway Organisation Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Professionalisation Quantitative study Skilled worker Title Early childhood educators as COVID warriors: Adaptations and responsiveness to the pandemic across five countries. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten teachers from different countries changed the way they taught during the pandemic. The researchers look at how kindergarten teachers… Year 2021 Author Gomes, J., Almeida, S. C., Kaveri, G., Mannan, F., Gupta, P., Hu, A., Sarkar, M. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Didactics Digital tools Learning process Norway OECD-country Observational Studies Organisation Physical Environment Qualitative study Title Consequences of staff composition in Norwegian kindergarten Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how staff composition and professional skills affect the division of labour between qualified early childhood educators and childcare… Year 2013 Authors Steinnes, G.S. Haug, P. Source Nordic Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 6 (13), 1-13. Subjects Attitude study Competence Labour market Norway Organisation Quantitative study Title Barns trivsel og medvirkning i barnehagen. Barn, foreldre og ansattes perspektiver. Purpose The purpose of the project was to examine which factors can contribute to creating happy or unhappy children in daycare. The factors examined were: the feeling of interaction… Year 2012 Authors Bratterud, Å. Sandseter, E.B.H. Seland, M. Source Trondheim: NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS. ISBN 978-82-91927-19-0 Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Management Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Participation Wellbeing Title Kvalitetsarbejde i dagplejen. Purpose The purpose of this evaluation is to examine and assess municipalities’ work on developing and assuring the quality of daycare in private homes, including to identify… Year 2011 Author Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Source København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. ISBN 978-87-7958-630-7 Subjects Administration Care in private homes Case study Competence Curriculum Denmark Evaluation Evaluation Mixed-method Organisation Policy Title Kvalitet i barnehager: Rapport fra en undersøkelse av strukturell kvalitet høsten 2012. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in the structural quality of Norwegian daycare centres (barnehagen) over a longer period from 2002 to 2012. Structural… Year 2013 Authors Gulbrandsen, L. Eliassen, E. Source Oslo: Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring (NOVA). Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cross-sectional study Implementation Kindergarten Manager Norway Organisation Physical Environment Quantitative study Wellbeing Title ”Trivsel og kvalitet i barnehagen”. Purpose The objective of the report is to describe development work at daycare centres ("barnehage") which has been done at seven municipalities in Oppland, Norway. The aim is to… Year 2014 Authors Lekhal, R. Vigmostad, I. Source Oppdragsrapport nr. 6-2014. Elverum: Høgskolen i Hedmark. Subjects Attitude study Child Child perspectives Cross-sectional study Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Organisation Parent/guardian Quantitative study Social Competence Wellbeing Title ”Gullgraving i sandkassa? Profittmuligheter og uttak av verdier fra private barnehager”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to give an idea of the profit opportunities that exist in the private kindergarten sector, including whether profitability at daycare centres is… Year 2011 Author Lunder, T.E. Source Bø i Telemark: Telemarksforskning. ISBN 978-82-7401-487-9 Subjects Economy Kindergarten Norway Nursery Organisation Quantitative study Title Design för lärande: barns meningsskapande i naturvetenskap. Purpose The purpose of the study is to describe and analyse the design of natural science learning environments. Moreover, focus is on examining how children in daycare, pre-school… Year 2012 Author Fristorp, A.E. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Stockholm universitet. ISBN 978-91-7447-507-4 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Ethnographic study Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Natural Science Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Transformativa kunskapsprocesser för verksamhetsutveckling: En feministisk aktionsforskningsstudie i förskolan. Purpose Overall, the dissertation examines a preschool teacher’s opportunities to develop joint gender-conscious and gender-equal pedagogics. The dissertation asks how preschool… Year 2009 Author Gillberg, C. Source Växjö: Institutionen för pedagogik, Växjö Universitet. Subjects Action-based research Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Kindergarten Learning process Nursery Organisation Participation Qualitative study Sweden Values Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 23 Next 10 items