Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 53 items. Filters: Outdoor activity Title “Doing, knowing, caring and feeling: exploring relations between nature-oriented teaching and preschool children’s learning”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between teachers’ work with children’s learning in Swedish preschools with regard to both learning processes and… Year 2014 Authors Klaar, S. Öhman, J. Source International Journal of Early Childhood, 22(1), 37-58. Subjects Care Child Child carer/educaters Curriculum Ethnographic study Learning process Motory activity Natural Science Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Qualitative study Sweden Title Accelerometer Measured Level of Physical Activity Indoors and Outdoors During Preschool Time in Sweden and the United States. Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare the physical level of activity of Swedish and American children in daycare as well as objectively investigate differences between indoor… Year 2012 Author Raustorp, A. et al. Source Journal of Physical Activity & Health 9(6), 801-808. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Gender Indoor activity Kindergarten Motory activity Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Quantitative study Sweden Title How does a manmade outdoor area in a large, urban kindergarten afford physical activity to 5-year-old children. Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine if and how a manmade outdoor area in a large urban kindergarten (barnehage) affords physical activity for 5-year-old children. A manmade… Year 2015 Authors Løndal, K. Norbeck, K.B. Thoren, A.H. Source Children, Youth and Environments 25(2), 1-18. Subjects Child Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Qualitative study The physical aspect Title Menns yrkesidentitet i natur- og friluftbarnehager. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the professional identity of men in kindergarten. The study examines the reason that men choose to work at kindergartens; what they… Year 2007 Author Emilsen, K.; Lysklett, O. B. Source I: Guldal, T. M., Karlsen, G., Løkken, G., Rønning, F. og Steen-Olsen, T. (red). Fou i praksis 2006 (S. 61-70). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Identity Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Wellbeing Title ”Pre-School Childrens Agency in Learning for Sustainable Development”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to carry out an empirical investigation of how kindergarten children recognise and experience their agency for change with regard to their outdoor… Year 2014 Authors Caiman, C. Lundegård, I. Source Environmental Education Research, 20(4), 437-459. Subjects Child Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Participation Physical Environment Qualitative study Sweden Title Hva kjennetegner menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehager, og hvorfor er det så mange menn i disse barnehagene? Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of men who work in nature kindergartens, and why so many men work in this type of kindergarten. Year 2007 Author Lysklett, O. B.; Emilsen Source I: Guldal, T. M., Karlsen, G., Løkken, G., Rønning, F. og Steen-Olsen, T. (red). Fou i praksis (S.171-181). Oslo: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Gender Identity Kindergarten Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Quantitative study Wellbeing Title ”Children’s meaning making of nature in an outdoor-oriented and democratic Swedish preschool practice”. Purpose Swedish preschools have two types of approach; a democratic approach and an outdoor-oriented approach. The democratic approach is to ensure that children have the freedom and… Year 2014 Authors Klaar, S. Öhman, J. Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22(2), 229-253. Subjects Care Case study Child Democracy Ethnographic study Learning process Natural Science Nursery Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Play Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Values Wellbeing Title Leik og språkleik i uterummet. Rapport prosjekt Språkjungelen. Purpose This study examines how an adventure playground can be a place for language development at preschools ("barnehage") in Norway. An adventure playground in this context is an… Year 2014 Author Wie, A. Source Fredrikke, Højskolen i Nesla Subjects Action-based research Child Competence Ethnographic study Evaluation Kindergarten Language Learning process Motory activity Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Social Competence The physical aspect Title Natur og naturfænomener i dagtilbud: stærke rødder og nye skud. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how work on natural sciences themes (the curricula theme nature and natural phenomena) is carried out in practice in Danish ECEC… Year 2015 Author Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Source København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Subjects Care in private homes Child carer/educaters Curriculum Denmark Didactics Further and continuing training Implementation Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Natural Science Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Policy Title “Correlates of objectively measured physical activity in Danish preschool children – The Odense Preschool Study (TOPS)”. Purpose Year 2014 Author Olesen, L.G. Source PhD Thesis, University of Southern Denmark, Odense. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Denmark Gender Indoor activity Kindergarten Mixed-method Motory activity Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Parent/guardian Physical Environment Physical activity Play Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 10 items