Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 53 items. Filters: Outdoor activity Title Emergent Science and gendered Bodies in Preschool Outdoor play. Swedish title: Begynnande naturvetenskap och könade kroppar i förskolans utelek Purpose This study investigated kindergarten children’s gender identity development as they played and explored together in natural environments. Based on neo-materialist theory, this… Year 2018 Author Günther-Hanssen A. Source Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 39(4):9-30. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Design and layout of the physical environment Equality Ethnographic study Gender Identity Kindergarten Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Title Mud in my ears and jam in my beard’: Challenging gendered ways of being in nature kindergarten practitioners Purpose The study investigates how educators in nature kindergartens in three countries interact with children and nature, and how employees’ masculinities and femininities, shaped… Year 2019 Author Nugent, C., MacQuarrie, S., Beames, S. Source International Journal of Early Years Education, 27(2):143-152. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Denmark Didactics Equal opportunities Gender Identity Management and organisation in ECEC OECD-country Organisation Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Title The outdoor environment and children’s health: a multilevel approach Purpose Playing in an outdoor setting seems to improve children’s health. In general, little is known about how the characteristics of outdoor environments in kindergartens affect… Year 2019 Author Sando, O. J. Source International Journal of Play, 8(1):39-52 Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Health Indoor activity Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Social Competence Well-being Wellbeing Title Natur i danske daginstitutioner Purpose The article focuses on how the curriculum topic ‘Nature and natural phenomena’ is dealt with in national Danish curricula, in centrally prepared inspirational material for… Year 2019 Author Høyen, M. Source Dansk pædagogisk Tidsskrift, (1):76-87. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Administration Curriculum Denmark Didactics Document study Equal opportunities Evaluation Implementation Manager Municipal and state control Outdoor activity Policy Qualitative study Values Title De yngste barna som vegfarere i barnehagen Purpose The article studies how learning processes are based on the youngest kindergarten children’s walking and physical movement. The authors investigate how the reciprocal dynamics… Year 2019 Author Myrstad, A. & Sverdrup, T. Source Tidsskrift for Nordisk barnehageforskning, 18(1):1-12 Subjects Case study Child Co-decision making Communication Competence Didactics Ethnographic study Inclusion Interaction Interpersonal relation Learning process Motory activity Norway Nursery Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Participation Physical Environment Physical activity Qualitative study Title Exploring the relational efforts making up a curriculum concept—an Actor-network theory analysis of the curriculum concept of children’s interests Purpose The study investigates how the concept of ‘children’s interests’, which is a key part of the Swedish kindergarten curriculum, materialises itself and gets its own life in… Year 2018 Author Moberg, E. Source Journal of Curriculum Studies, 50(1):113-125 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Curriculum Ethnographic study Food and meals Kindergarten Morning assembly Outdoor activity Pedagogical assistant Play Qualitative study Sweden Title ’Children’s clans’; social organisation and interpretive reconstruction as aspects on development of peer-groups in outdoor play Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate how children’s self-organised communal play is made possible by the environment and nature around them. The investigations aim to shed… Year 2018 Author Jørgensen, K. A. Source Ethnography and Education, 13(4):490-507. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child perspectives Children's skills development Children's social relationships Co-decision making Communication Concept of formative development/education Democracy Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Nursery Outdoor activity Participation Physical activity Qualitative study Social Competence Title Betydningen af dagtilbudsarbejde med børn i naturen – En forskningsoversigt med fokus på nordisk litteratur undersøgt med sigte på danske forhold Purpose The ‘Come Outside’ project organised by Children & Nature - Denmark aims to support and develop educators’ use of nature in Danish kindergartens. This overview of knowledge is… Year 2019 Author Ejbye-Ernst N., Moss B., Stokholm D., Larssen B., Præstholm S., Frøkjær T. (2019) Subjects Child Denmark Goal-directed activities Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Systematic review/mapping Well-being Wellbeing Title Motor competence and physical fitness among children attending nature preschools and traditional preschools Purpose The purpose of the study is to compare motor skills and the physical fitness of children who attend different nature kindergartens with children who attend different… Year 2019 Author Lysklett O. B., Berg A., Moe B. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Cross-sectional study Design and layout of the physical environment Goal-directed activities Health Kindergarten Management and organisation in ECEC Motory activity Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Quantitative study Special pedagogical approaches The physical aspect Title Body practices: negotiations of ‘risk’ in Norwegian and French preschools Purpose The study investigates how ‘risk’ in everyday kindergarten life is understood, practiced and negotiated in relation to the body and bodily practices in Norwegian and French… Year 2020 Author Garnier, P., Greve, A., Ulvik, O. S., Chantseva, V., Rayna, S., Fallang, B., Gulbrandsen, L. M., Øien, I. Subjects Assessment Attachment Attitude study Bullying Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Didactics Emotional Competence Ethnographic study Friendship Health Indoor activity Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Nursery OECD-country Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Policy Qualitative study Social Competence The physical aspect Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 10 items