Hvordan underviser barnehagelærere? Eller gjør de ikke det i barnehagen?

Sæbbe, P., & Pramling Samuelson, I.
Tidsskrift for Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 14(7), 1-15.


The purpose of this study is to examine kindergarten teachers' (barnehagelæreres) work on teaching mathematics through everyday activities in kindergarten.


The results show that kindergarten teachers organise everyday activities focusing on children's mathematical learning in different ways. All five kindergarten teachers express that they have a conscious strategy and clear intentions about what the children should learn in the activities they have planned and carried out. All five kindergarten teachers also talk about the activities as learning situations. The researchers point out that the kindergarten teachers do not necessarily have language and concepts that clearly describe what characterises how they work with mathematics. However, all five kindergarten teachers express that what they do is different from what takes place at school, but only one teacher refers to what he does as teaching. The researchers interpret this as an indication that there is a need to define the content of the concept of "teaching" to illustrate teaching practices in kindergarten.


The study examines how kindergarten teachers describe their own practice in terms of work with mathematics through everyday activities. Five kindergarten teachers from five different kindergartens took part in the study. Each kindergarten teacher had to plan and implement an everyday activity focusing on mathematics. The activity had to reflect everyday life in the kindergarten as it usually takes place when kindergarten teachers work with children's mathematical learning. A total of 26 children aged between 3 years and 11 months and 6½ years took part in the study. The empirical material consists of video observations of one everyday activity in each of the five kindergartens. The activities lasted between 20 and 47 minutes. Based on the video observations, the researchers interviewed each kindergarten teacher. During the interviews, the researchers presented parts of the video recordings to the individual kindergarten teachers, so that they could reflect on their own practice as it appeared on the day the activity was filmed. The data material was transcribed and then analysed using grounded theory.


Sæbbe, P., & Pramling Samuelson, I. (2017). Hvordan underviser barnehagelærere? Eller gjør de ikke det i barnehagen? Tidsskrift for Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 14(7), 1-15.