Den føyelige pedagogen – kartlegging som disiplinering av pedagogisk praksis

Vik, N. E.
Tidsskrift for nordisk barnehageforskning,18(2):1–14


In this article, the author investigates how the language screening of multilingual children affects educators and pedagogical practice. The research question is: How are educators and pedagogical practice affected by the language screening of multilingual children in kindergarten?


The analysis of the empirical data material shows that the educators’ attitudes are rooted in the discourse on the Norwegian kindergarten model. At the same time, they are positive about language screening. The interaction in several of the observations during the screening is characterised by little dialogue, and the educators seem to set aside their professional judgement. However, there are big differences between the screening tools. The empirical data material also shows examples of a less rigid screening practice, where the child and the educator are given greater room for manoeuvre.


The empirical data in the article is based on observations of screening sequences that involve five educators and five children aged 5-6 years old in five Norwegian kindergartens, in addition to interviews with the educators. The author’s analysis is based on what is often referred to as the Norwegian kindergarten model, and concepts from discourse theory and critical discourse analysis.


Vik, N. E. (2019). “Den føyelige pedagogen – kartlegging som disiplinering av pedagogisk praksis”. Tidsskrift for nordisk barnehageforskning,18(2):1–14.