Bridging or bonding: An organizational framework for studying social capital in kindergartens.

Vannebo, B. I., Ljunggren, E. B.


The study investigates our understanding of social capital by analysing social capital as an organisational phenomenon. Here, kindergartens (more specifically drop-in kindergartens) are used as a ‘prism’ where we can understand how social capital is formed – and the mechanisms that shape the development of various forms of networks within welfare organisations. The research questions are: 1. What types of communities are built in drop-in kindergartens? 2. How do differences in ways of organising kindergartens affect what forms of social capital can be built in these organisations?


The results show that the kindergartens in the study succeed to varying degrees in developing bridge-building networks and communities. The results further show that formal organisational factors such as ownership, organisational goals, profiling, location and pedagogical content influence the formation of social capital bridge-builders. The composition of user groups and the user groups' motivation to participate most clearly affect the conditions for community formation. Kindergartens with a heterogeneous user group and a user group with a community orientation are more successful in creating bridge-building social networks.


The analysis is based on qualitative data consisting of interviews and documents obtained from six different kindergartens in Norway, where the analysis was done using concepts from organisational theory and Wenger's theory of communities of practice.


Vannebo, B. I., & Ljunggren, E. B. (2021). "Bridging or bonding: An organizational framework for studying social capital in kindergartens". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5):2663.