Med barnens röst: ettåringar ”berättar” om sin förskola.

Engdahl, I.
Stockholm: Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, Institutionen för individ, omvärld och lärande.


The objective of the study is to promote the child perspective through a study of one-year-olds in a public daycare centre located in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm on the basis of children as actively involved in forming their daily routines at daycare centres with equal rights to express their ideas and influence their everyday routines.
The study examines the games children play, their patterns of cooperation, the initiatives the children take and how their play can be regarded based on the notion of the competent child. In addition, the study examines how the child appears as a subject.


Among the results (which the researcher presents as stories told by the children) it can be emphasised that the children appreciate being in each other’s company, that they actively choose each other and that there appears to be a growing friendship between them. No signs of aggression or exclusion were observed. The children seldom approach adults for help or confirmation or invite them to join in their games. The physical environment plays an important role in the children's interaction with each other.


The study is an ethnographic study. The study is based on observation and video footage of six one-year-old children at a daycare centre located in a multicultural suburb to Stockholm.


Engdahl, I. (2007). Med barnens röst: ettåringar ”berättar” om sin förskola. Stockholm: Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, Institutionen för individ, omvärld och lärande,.

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