Fremming av dokumentasjon, vurdering og refleksjon i barnehagen.

Sivertsen, K.
Tromsø: Høgskolen i Tromsø.


The objective of this project is to elucidate which processes in daycare centres and educational institutions can be used in development work in general, and for specific initiatives such as documentation, assessments and reflection in the daily activities in a daycare centre.   


The results show that the staff have benefited greatly from their participation in the action research project. Everyone was able to air their opinions, meaning that the staff have become more sure of themselves and each other with regard to professional issues. The two daycare centres have different perceptions of their progress on promoting documentation, assessment and reflection in their everyday work, but in both kindergartens, it was concluded that specifying the objectives facilitated the evaluation work and paved the way for a clearer division of responsibilities between the staff. The project shows that dialogue is a precondition for the evaluation work, which requires both time and a sense of security in relation to the different reflecting and learning processes. In addition, the project points out that parents should be given the opportunity to make their views known.


Two daycare centres and a total of 18 child carers and childcare assistants took part in the project. The research approach included observation, dialogue and interviews.  


Sivertsen, K. (2006). Fremming av dokumentasjon, vurdering og refleksjon i barnehagen. Tromsø: Høgskolen i Tromsø.

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