Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 47 items. Filters: Mapping Title ”Det aktiva barnet? En forskningsöversikt”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to survey the physical scientific research in the interface between Swedish daycare centres and schools, learning, exercise and sports (physical… Year 2010 Author Fransson, K. Source Persson, S. (red.). Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik, 121-141. Malmø: Malmö högskola. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation Kindergarten Learning process Mapping Mixed-method Motory activity Nursery Parent/guardian Sweden The physical aspect Title Individuella utvecklingsplaner i Montessori- och Reggio Emilia-profilerade förskolor. Purpose The purpose of this study is to map the variation in documentation methods and forms from all the daycare centres in a Swedish municipality. The part of the study introduced in… Year 2010 Author Vallberg Roth, A.-C. og Månsson Source Persson, S. (red.). Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik (53-70). Malmø: Malmö högskola. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Discourse analysis Document study Documentation Evaluation Kindergarten Mapping Nursery Qualitative study Special pedagogical approaches Sweden Title Daginstitutioners betydning for udsatte børn: En forskningsoversigt. Purpose The purpose of this study is to establish an overview of research on the significance of daycare centres in relation to socially marginalised children. Year 2008 Author Petersen, K. E. Source København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Kindergarten Mapping Nursery OECD-country Qualitative study Social Competence Social exposure Systematic review/mapping Title Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel. Delrapport 5 – perspektiver på kompetanse og kompetanseutvikling i og utenfor barnehagesektoren. Purpose This study is a sub-report of the larger project Etter- og videreutdanning i barnehagesektoren – kartlegging av tilbud og etterspørsel (Continuing and further education and… Year 2006 Authors Moser, T.; Pettersvold M.; Jansen, T. T.; Dudas, B. Source Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold. Subjects Child carer/educaters Competence Economy Evaluation Further and continuing training Kindergarten Mapping Norway Nursery Organisation Professionalisation Quantitative study Title "Perspektiv på barndom och barns lärande: En kunskapsöversikt om lärande i förskolan och grundskolans tidigare år." & "Stödja och styra: Om bedömning av yngre barn. Purpose The purpose of the research review is to elucidate the Swedish research available from 1995 onwards on children's early learning at daycare centres, pre-school classes and in… Year 2010 Author Skolverket. Source Stockholm: Skolverket (2010). ISBN 978-91-86529-08-6 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Didactics Documentation Institutionalisation Kindergarten Learning process Mapping Nursery Qualitative study Reading Sweden Systematic review/mapping Time Title Virkningsfulde tiltag i dagtilbud: Et systematisk review af reviews. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine which pedagogical initiatives for children aged 0-6 years are effective in work on children's learning, development and well-being. The… Year 2013 Authors Nielsen, T.K. Tiftikci, N. Larsen, M.S. Source København: Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Digital tools Health Interaction Kindergarten Learning process Mapping Nursery OECD-country Quantitative study Systematic review/mapping Wellbeing Title Kvalitet i barnehager i skandinavisk forskning 2006-2011: En systematisk forskningskartlegging. Purpose This study is a survey of all Scandinavian research on quality at daycare facilities published in 2006-2011. The purpose of this study is to map how Scandinavian research… Year 2013 Authors Sommersel, H.B. Vestergaard, S. Søgaard, L.M. Source København: Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Ethnicity Further and continuing training Kindergarten Management Manager Mapping Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Physical Environment Sweden Systematic review/mapping Time Wellbeing Title Barnehagens fysiske miljø i nyere faglitteratur – et systematisk litteratursøk for tidsrommet 2000-2010. Purpose The purpose of this study is primarily to build a searchable literature database regarding “rooms of the daycare facility” which is cost free and accessible to everyone. The… Year 2012 Authors Moser, T. Olsen, H.K. Source I: Krogstad, A., Hansen, G.K., Høyland, K. & Moser, T. (red.). Rom for barnehage: flerfaglige perspektiver på barnehagens fysiske miljø (s. 287-304). ISBN 978-82-450-1126-5 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Health Kindergarten Mapping Natural Science Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Physical Environment Quantitative study The physical aspect Title Barnehagen som læringsarena for gryende flerspråklighet – en oversikt over forskning 1985–2015. Purpose The purpose of this literature review is to provide insight into the increasing volume of ECEC research about multilinguality in ECEC settings. The article focuses on ECEC… Year 2015 Author Alstad, G. T. Source NOA — norsk som andrespråk 30(1-2), 284-309. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters History Kindergarten Language Mapping Multilingualism Norway Nursery Quantitative study Reading Writing Title ”Resultater fra Kartleggingsundersøkelse i Kristiansand kommune 2013”. Purpose The purpose of this report is to present key findings from the survey of preschools ("barnehage") (and schools) in the Norwegian municipality of Kristiansand. The survey is… Year 2014 Authors Nordahl, T. Qvortrup, L. Hansen, L.S. Hansen, O. Source Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Gender Inclusion Kindergarten Language Learning process Mapping Norway Parent/guardian Participation Quantitative study Social Competence Wellbeing Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 Next 10 items