Togetherness!: adult companionship – the key to music making in kindergarten

Kulset, N. B. & Halle, K.


The study investigates how the notion of a common ‘we’ can contribute to a common positive musical identity among kindergarten employees, despite the fact that individually, the employees have little confidence related to musicality. The researchers investigate the components that make up the term ‘we’, as well as how this collective identity is created and how the notion of a musical ‘we’ can be implemented in kindergarten teacher education. The research questions are: 1) How can the notion of a ‘we’ overcome the shame one feels about one’s own singing voice and a negative musical identity on an individual level? 2) What exactly is the notion of a ‘we’? 3) How can one construct the notion of a ‘we’?


The results show that the notion of a ‘we’ among the kindergarten employees is one of the keys to more music making and singing in the kindergarten. This sense of community helps the adults overcome the little faith they have in their own musicality and singing voice, which was prominent among the informants. The kindergarten employees specifically mentioned three areas associated with the word ‘we’: 1) Music making and singing improve when we do it together. 2) The musical community creates confidence. 3) Increased self-confidence through performing music together. The researchers believe the results highlight the importance of community among the kindergarten employees regarding singing and music making in kindergarten.


The data material was collected in a Norwegian kindergarten that had a musical profile. A total of eight kindergarten employees were interviewed by the researchers. The informants had different educational backgrounds, work experience and ages. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. The analysis was conducted in three parts: thematically (what is told), dialogically (when, why and to whom it is told) and structurally (how it is told).


Kulset, N. B. & Halle, K. (2020). “Togetherness!: adult companionship – the key to music making in kindergarten”. Music Education Research, 22(3):304-314.