Gør mændene en forskel i børnehaven? Rapport fra et studie af børnehavens pædagogiske kønskarakter

Smeplass, E. & Olsen, B.


The study investigates the correctness of the claim that male kindergarten employees constitute a special educational resource in kindergarten. The researchers investigate the claim in light of a larger study on pedagogical values among Danish kindergarten employees. 


The results show that there are no significant differences in the ways in which male and female kindergarten employees meet kindergarten children.


The data material consists of 700 responses from kindergarten employees in 80 Danish kindergartens to a survey consisting of 13 pedagogical dilemma questions. 93.3 percent of the responses came from female kindergarten employees and 6.7 percent of the responses were from male employees.


Smeplass, E. & Olsen, B. (2020). «Gør mændene en forskel i børnehaven? Rapport fra et studie af børnehavens pædagogiske kønskarakter». Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 29(1):54-70.