Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys

Zambrana, I. M., Dearing, E., Nærde, A., & Zachrisson, H. D.
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 24 (6), 793-806.


The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a correlation between children's time spent in ECEC (number of years) during their first four years and their language competences at the age of 4 years.


The authors find that boys who had spent most time in ECEC at the age of 4 years had better language competences than boys who had spent shorter time in ECEC. The authors assess that the positive effect of time spent in ECEC for boys who spent most time in ECEC can be related to gender differences in children's readiness for ECEC and sensitivity towards environmental input. However, the results also indicate that the similarities between boys and girls are greater than the differences, as there is a higher degree of diversity in the children's language competences within the boy group and girl group than between the two groups.


The study uses data from the longitudinal study BONDS (Behaviour Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study) and consists of information about a total of 1157 children. Information about children's time in ECEC was collected when the children were 2, 3 and 4 years old. In addition, the children's language competences were measured at the age of 4 years. Data about different background variables, such as the parents' level of education and job status as well as the mother's mental health was collected in two interviews with parents when the children were six months old and 1 year old.


Zambrana, I. M., Dearing, E., Nærde, A., & Zachrisson, H. D. (2016). Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 24 (6), 793-806.

Zachrisson, H.D., Dearing, E., Zambrana, I.M., Nærde, A. (2014). ”Språkkompetanse hos 4-åringer som har gått i barnehage. Foreløpige resultater fra forskningsprojektet Barns sociale utvikling.” Rapport til Utdanningsdirektoratet. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

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