Early childhood mathematics: a case study.

Lundqvist, J., Franzén, K., Munter, A. C.


The study investigates toddler mathematics in a Swedish kindergarten. The research questions are: 1. What is the quality of toddler mathematics in kindergarten? 2. What characterises kindergarten with regard to toddler mathematics?


The average value of assessments on toddler mathematics in the investigated kindergarten was characterised as 'good'. The characteristics of toddler mathematics can be described using six themes: one to ten mathematics; a short question and a short answer; mathematical concepts incorporated into everyday routines and playful activities; mathematical circle sessions involving the entire group with support for younger children and those who are struggling; materials and tools, and small group mathematics.


Three kindergarten employees and 19 children participated in the study. Data were collected through observation and a focus group interview. Numerical and thematic analyses were conducted.


Lundqvist, J., Franzén, K., & Munter, A. C. (2021). “Early childhood mathematics: a case study". Early Years, DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2021.2014404.


Mälardalen University, Sweden