Semiotic landscapes as constructions of multilingualism–a case study of two kindergartens.

Pesch, A. M.


The study explores how multilingualism is constructed in the visual and linguistic environment (the semiotic landscape) in two kindergartens, one in Norway and one in Germany. The researcher investigates how the way multilingualism presented in this visual environment can correspond with, or be different from, oral communication practices. The research question is: How is multilingualism expressed in the semiotic landscape in kindergartens?


While the semiotic landscape in the Norwegian kindergarten presents the kindergarten as multilingual, the semiotic landscape in the German kindergarten points to a predominance of German language usage. However, a closer analysis also reveals practices that inhibit linguistic diversity and underestimate multilingualism in Norwegian kindergartens, and practices that encourage multilingualism in German kindergartens.


The data material consists of 236 photographs of the semiotic landscape in two kindergartens, 118 images in each kindergarten, in Norway and Germany. Both kindergartens were public-sector kindergartens, located in medium-sized cities and had many multilingual children. The images were taken over a period of six to eight months in each kindergarten and were combined with field observations and interviews with kindergarten teachers and parents.


Pesch, A. M. (2021). "Semiotic landscapes as constructions of multilingualism–a case study of two kindergartens". European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29(3):363-380.