Lite vid sidan om den kommunala ordningen. I. Wernersson (red) Genus i förskola och skola: Förandringer i policy, perspektiv och praktik.

Edström, C.
Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet. S. 43-49.


The objective of this study is to examine how equality in preschool is processed in political and administrative contexts in four municipalities. Focus is particularly on the underlying assumptions about equality at preschool that can be concluded from the work of these municipalities.


There are large differences in the municipal key persons’ statements on equality in preschool and between the description of this phenomenon in the quality reports by municipalities. Moreover, the importance of work with equality in preschool varies. There is also variation in what municipal key persons tell about municipal cooperation on equality in preschool on the one hand and what the quality reports say about this on the other hand. For the most part, the sparsely populated municipalities see equality as homogeneity between boys and girls, and they have updated plans regarding the equality theme, whereas the large towns do not. Finally, according to the municipal key persons asked, equality can be increased through knowledge. Knowledge, which according to them, preschool teachers are lacking. 


The study has been divided into two parts. A cross-sectional study
on the views of municipal key persons as well as a document study on the basis of municipal quality reports.
The researcher combines two approaches. Four semi-structured, face-to-face-interviews as well as one telephone interview of between 20-45 minutes with five municipal key persons from two sparsely populated towns and two larger towns, respectively. In addition, municipal quality reports were collected, and finally the manners in which equality is treated by the two data sources were compared.  


Edström, C. (2009). Lite vid sidan om den kommunala ordningen. I. Wernersson (red) Genus i förskola och skola: Förandringer i policy, perspektiv och praktik. Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet. S. 43-49.

Financed by

The study is part of a larger project supported by the Swedish Research Council’s Committee for Educational Science.