Putting Scaffolding Into Action: Preschool Teachers’ Actions Using Interactive Whiteboard

Bourbour, M., Högberg, S., Lindqvist, G.


The study investigates the ways in which kindergarten teachers teach using an interactive whiteboard to support children’s learning. The purpose is to gain an understanding of kindergarten teachers’ scaffolding teaching practices and investigate different learning opportunities using digital technology.


The researchers observed that the kindergarten teachers used 21 different scaffolding teaching methods using the interactive whiteboard: Concretise, ask questions, instruct, give space, confirm, give feedback, invite, watch, have fun together, approach, stand/sit next to, simplify, fill in gaps, confirm, participate, challenge perception, challenge thought, explain facts, show, explain solutions and show back. The researchers behind the study believe the results lead to a deeper understanding of scaffolding teaching activities that in turn can be implemented in teaching practices.


The researchers observed kindergarten teachers’ teaching of mathematical concepts with the use of interactive whiteboards in 18 different teaching situations. The data material consists of observations of five kindergarten teachers and 22 children (4-6 years old) in a Swedish kindergarten over a period of five months in 2017-2018.


Bourbour, M., Högberg, S. & Lindqvist, G. (2020). «Putting Scaffolding Into Action: Preschool Teachers’ Actions Using Interactive Whiteboard”. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(1):79–92.