The purpose of the study was to investigate relationships between kindergarten playgrounds, health authority recommendations on daily physical activity, time spent on outdoor activities and kindergarten teachers’ and kindergarten children’s levels of physical activity.
The study indicates that children who attend kindergartens with formalised objectives regarding physical activity are more active than children in kindergartens without such policies. The children who spent the most time outdoors were significantly more active than those who spent the most time indoors. The kindergarten teachers’ activity level followed that of the children. The design of the kindergarten and its outdoor area had no impact on the results.
A total of 369 children (1-5 years old) and 84 kindergarten teachers from 27 Swedish kindergartens participated in the study. The children’s height and weight were recorded, the children’s parents answered a survey and the kindergarten teachers wore accelerometers for seven consecutive workdays. The kindergartens’ outdoor environment and building characteristics were recorded using a standardised form. The time spent indoors and outdoors was recorded by the kindergarten teachers.
Chen, C., Ahlqvist, V. H., Henriksson, P., Magnusson, C. & Berglind, D. (2020). "Preschool environment and preschool teacher’s physical activity and their association with children’s activity levels at preschool". PLoS ONE, 15(10):1-16.
Lindhes Advokatbyrå, Sweden. Stockholm Municipality, Sweden