The study investigates how book conversations in kindergarten can be used to introduce Nature of Science (NOS) to children between the ages of one and five. NOS deals with what science is, how scientific knowledge is developed and the types of human elements that are relevant in these processes. The research question is: Which NOS topics are communicated in kindergarten teachers’ initial approaches to teaching children NOS through book conversations?
The results show that conversations about NOS are possible in a kindergarten setting, even among the youngest children. The kindergarten teachers primarily focused on scientific processes and tools, but also discussed the limitations of science and the human elements of science. The researchers believe that such book conversations can provide support in kindergarten teachers’ conversations with children about NOS.
The data material consists of 48 book conversations that were led by a total of five kindergarten teachers in a Swedish kindergarten. The study focuses on book conversations involving two children’s picture books (one about dinosaurs and one about space). The books were read to the children several times (two to ten times) and each book conversation lasted between ten and 40 minutes. The conversations were audio recorded and analysed using a qualitative content analysis.
Hansson, L., Leden, L. & Thulin, S. (2020). “Book talks as an approach to nature of science teaching in early childhood education”. International Journal of Science Education, 42(12):2095-2111.
The Learning in Collaboration research platform, Kristianstad University, Sweden