Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool.

Nergård, B., Wæge, K.


The study investigates how visual aids, gestures and mathematical concepts support effective mathematical communication in play-based activities. The research question is: How can visual aids, gestures and mathematical concepts support effective mathematical communication in play-based activities in kindergarten?


The results highlight how central visual aids, gestures and mathematical concepts are in establishing effective communication in the kindergarten's play-based activities. By using these tools, the main themes and context of the conversations become clearer. Moving, pointing at objects and using mathematical concepts prove to be key factors for clear communication.


The data material consists of video recordings of 25 five-year-olds, who together with three kindergarten teachers and two assistants performed mathematical activities. The researchers observed the group over a period of one year, spread over seven weeks. The analysis focused on the interactions between the participants, their statements, gestures and the use of visual aids in ongoing communication.


Nergård, B., & Wæge, K. (2021). "Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool". Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 26(2):47-66.